Bill Whalen

Research Fellow

Bill Whalen is a research fellow at the Hoover Institution, where he studies and writes on current events and political trends with an emphasis on California's political landscape. As a research fellow, he is a contributor to the Hoover Digest and Policy Review, which are also published by Hoover.

Whalen writes frequently for leading California opinion makers including the Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, and the San Diego Union Tribune. His by-line also appears on the Weekly Standard's website, He has been a guest political analyst on the Fox News Channel, MSNBC, and CNN. He can also be seen and heard on Bay Area radio and television, commenting on current events, in addition to frequent appearances on the nationwide radio program hosted by Hoover media fellow John Batchelor.

Whalen also serves as a media consultant for California political hopefuls and aspiring policy leaders. His clients have included former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, former California secretary of state Bill Jones, former congressman Tom Campbell and former Los Angeles mayor Richard J. Riordan.

From 1994 to 1999, Whalen was the chief speechwriter and director of public affairs for former California governor Pete Wilson. In that capacity, he was responsible for the governor's annual State of the State address, as well as other major policy addresses.

A native of Washington, D.C., Whalen was steeped in politics long before he relocated to California. From 1985 to 1991, Whalen was a political correspondent for Insight Magazine, the national newsweekly and sister publication of the Washington Times, where he was honored for his profiles and analysis of candidates, campaigns, Congress, and the White House. In citing Whalen as one of its "top-ten" political reporters, The 1992 Media Guide said of his work: "The New York Times could trade six of its political writers for Whalen and still get a bargain." During those years, Whalen also appeared frequently on C-SPAN, National Public Radio, and CNBC.

In addition to his time in Washington as a political journalist, Whalen served as a speechwriter for the Bush-Quayle reelection campaign in 1992. In 1993, he was a senior associate with the public relations firm Robinson-Lake/Sawyer-Miller, offering media and political advice for domestic and foreign clientele.

Whalen currently resides in Palo Alto, California.

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Recent Commentary

Featured Commentary

It’s Silly Season Under The Dome

by Bill Whalenvia Sacramento Bee
Thursday, June 18, 2015

The calendar says summer doesn’t officially commence until Sunday, but rest assured that California state government is well into its silly season.

this is an image

Did Hillary Flunk A History Lesson?

by Bill Whalenvia A Day At The Races
Saturday, June 13, 2015

So Hillary Clinton has formally (choose your favorite verb) launched/rebooted/re-packaged/re-introduced her presidential campaign in a Saturday speech on New York City’s Roosevelt Island.


Wednesday Candidates Quiz

by Bill Whalenvia A Day At The Races
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

As we’re at the midpoint of the work-week, it’s a good time to ask which of these stories of the past 72 hours mean the most to the Republican presidential field.

Jeb Bush

First Best Second Choice

by Bill Whalenvia A Day At The Races
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

It’s hot today in Palo Alto. Well, mid-to-upper 80’s with little in the way of a breeze, which may sound laughable depending where you’re reading this.

Featured Commentary

Movie Sequels In Today’s California

by Bill Whalenvia Sacramento Bee
Friday, June 5, 2015

If you can’t judge a book by its cover, what can we assume about California based on what’s playing at the local cinema?

Read more here:

The Power Of Narrative Politics

by Bill Whalenvia A Day At The Races
Thursday, June 4, 2015

What type of mistakes or blunders hurt a candidate’s electability? What’s the best way to orchestrate a comeback?

Al Pacino

Game Of Inches

by Bill Whalenvia A Day At The Races
Thursday, June 4, 2015

Former Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee entered the Democratic side of the presidential sweepstakes earlier today.

Featured Commentary

The Power Of The Gaffe Depends On How It Fits With The Candidate’s Narrative

by Bill Whalenvia New York Times
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Is a single gaffe enough to torpedo a presidential hopeful? Usually, no — unless it lands a candidate on Dr. Phil’s couch or the business end of a mug-shot.


Sorting The Republicans’ 2016 Kingdom

by Bill Whalenvia A Day At The Races
Thursday, May 28, 2015

The GOP presidential field continues to swell, like Elvis’ waistline in the 1970s. Former New York Gov. George Pataki jumped into the fray on Thursday, a day after former Pennsylvania Sen. and 2012 contender Rick Santorum made his intentions known. Does either candidate stand a chance of making it all the way to the nomination?


Senate Timing, Temperament And 2016 Odds

by Bill Whalenvia A Day At The Races
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

I got to sit in on a roundtable talk with a Republican senator earlier today, during which said lawmaker expressed hope of getting tax reform moving in Congress. My thought: will timing and temperament make this possible? As for the former (timing), we’re already midway through 2015. Next year is a re-election year for one-third of the U.S. Senate and the entire House. Does that make for more productivity or less — especially something as prolonged as tax reform?
