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Dissertations & Theses

Researchers interested in reading SLS dissertations/theses, please email or visit the SLS (Crown) Library Reference Desk for assistance.

SLS Advanced Degree Students are asked to submit an electronic copy of their dissertation/thesis to the Law Library/Archives, so it can be added to the collection.  To do so, please fill out this this form.  (This submission is in addition to the formal submissions you make to your instructors/advisers/registrar within SLS and SU. For info on the SU Registrar's Electronic Dissertation/Thesis system, visit their ETD FAQ page.)


Carvacho T., Pablo, JSM (SPILS)
Part-Time Old Traffickers?: The Imprisoned Population for Drugs Crimes in Chile (2014)
Dorfman, Doron, JSM (SPILS)
Conflicts Between Private and State Disability Identities -- Bay Area Subjects' Procedural Justice Perceptions of the Disability Determination Process (2014)
Fuentes Maureira, Claudio Alfonso, JSM (SPILS)
Thrown to the Lions -- A Study About the Chilean Family Judges, Their Challenges and Their Training (2014)
Hance, Clea, JSM (SPILS)
Which Cultural Diversity Will Survive Cultural Policies? (2014)
Hovyadinov, Serhiy, JSM (SPILS)
Russian Internet Users' Privacy: A Study of Attitudes and Behavior (2014)
Jwa, Anita S., JSM (SPILS)
Early Adopters of the Magical Thinking Cap: A Study on Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Transcranial Direct Current Simulation (tDCS) User Community (2014)
Medzini, Rotem, JSM (SPILS)
Prometheus Bound: How Does the Regulatory System Affect the Information Collection Practices of Social Networks? (2014)
Reilly, Louise, JSM (SPILS)
Regulating the Void: Enforcing Workers' Rights to Safety in a Globalized Garment Industry (2014)
Soto Mourraille, Camila, JSM (SPILS)
Online Advocacy or Slacktivism? New Technologies in International Human Rights Advocacy (2014)
Tungnirun, Arm, JSM (SPILS)
Lost in Narration: A Preliminary Look at News Coverage of the 2007 Thai Constitution Making (2014)


Bachar, Gilat, JSM (SPILS)
The Occupation of the Law: Power Dynamics Between the Israeli Judiciary and Legislature Over Controlling Palestinians Tort Claims Against IDF (2013)
Garcia Miron, Rolando, JSM (SPILS)
From Consensus to a Divided Court: the Mexican Supreme Court (1995-2011) (2013)
Guerrero-Rocca, Gilberto, JSM (SPILS)
Praising Calvo and Wearing Investors' Robes: A Case Study of Venezuela and Its Strategy in Investment Arbitration in the Oil, Gas and Mining Sectors (2013)
Huang, Tai-Jan, JSM (SPILS)
Copyright Consciousness and Intellectual Property Discourse: The Politics of Creative Commons (2013)
Iyengar, Varsha, JSM (SPILS)
Socio-Economic Rights and the Complexity of Implementation: A Case Study on the Right to Food Litigation in India (2013)
Jiménez de Parga, Lara Rosety, JSM (SPILS)
Educating Spanish Citizens: An Empirical Analysis of K-12 Education Textbooks in Spain (2013)
Kapronczay, Stefania, JSM (SPILS)
Challenges to Re-Constructing Disability with International Human Rights Law: A Case Study of Hungary (2013)
Kibana, Kazuhito, JSM (SPILS)
Empirical Analysis on "Arbitration Reluctance" of Japanese Foreign Investors (2013)
Konigstein, Neta, JSM (SPILS)
Putting Public Space in its Place? The Right to Protest and the Israeli Supreme Court (2013)
Rakoczy, Anna, JSM (SPILS)
Corporate Liability for Human Rights Abuses: Have the United Nations Principles on Business and Human Rights Influenced Alien Tort Statute Litigation? (2013)
Ravid, Itay, JSM (SPILS)
"Watch & Learn": Representation of Illegal Behavior and Obedience to Legal Norms Through the Eyes of Popular Culture, The Case of TV Shows Broadcasted in Israel (2013)


Cardona, Fernán Restrepo, JSM (SPILS)
Did Siliconix Have A Negative Effect On Premiums In Tender Offer Freeze-Outs? An Empirical Analysis (2012)
Chandrachud, Abhinav, JSM (SPILS)
The Informal constitution: Unwritten Criteria In Selecting Judges For The Supreme Court Of India (2012)
Núñez, Ana Cristina, JSM (SPILS)
Chains, chains, chains: A look into Venezuelan legal culture: the use of “cadenas” (blanket presidential broadcasts) as a form of compelled speech by the Venezuelan government (1999-2010) (2012)
Olivas, Elva Denisse Varela, JSM (SPILS)
Understanding the Governance at the U.S.-Mexico Border Region, Beyond the Formal Environmental Laws: Case Study Based on the Perception of the Inhabinants of Presidio, Texa and Ojinaga, Chihuahua (2012)
Shamir, Julia, JSD
The Legal Culture And Migration: Structure, Antecedents And Consequences (2012)
Shoamanesh, Sam Sasan, JSM (SPILS)
From The Sub-Regional To The Regional: Lessons For An All-Inclusive Regional Security Framework In The Middle East (2012)
Slowinski, Peter, JSM (SPILS)
Patent Mediation in Germany: Empirical Study on the State of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Europe's Largest Economy (2012)


Assi, Bashir, JSM (SPILS)
Public Enforcement of Banking Law in the US: A Comparison between Formal Actions against Foreign and Domestic Banks (2011)
Aubrey-Horvath, Kathryn, JSM (SPILS)
Whose War On Terror? Examining The Impact Of The US Secure Flight Program On Canada (2011)
Barriolhet, Agustin, JSM (SPILS)
Class Actions In Chile (2011)
Blum, Binyamin, JSD
Evidence Rules of Colonial Difference: Identity, Legitimacy and Power in the Law of Mandate Palestine, 1917-1939 (2011)
Davarnejad, Leyla, JSM (SPILS)
In The Shadow Of Soft Law: The Handling Of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Disputes By Domestic National Contact Points Under The OECD Guidelines For Multinational Enterprices (2011)
Gil Mc Cawley, Diego, JSM (SPILS)
The Challenges Of Community Building: Land Use Regulation And Residential Segregation In Santiago, Chile (2011)
Hadanny, Assaf, JSM (SPILS)
A Comparative And Empirical Study On Contractual Frustration: Israel And The United States (2011)
Krebs, Shiri, JSM (SPILS)
Lifting The Veil Of Secrecy: Judicial Review Of Administrative Detentions In The Israeli Supreme Court (2011)
Oduwole, Olajumoke Omoniyi, JSD
Realigning International Trade Negotiation Asymmetry: Developing Country Coalition Strategy In The Wto Doha Round Agriculture Negotiations (2011)
Regev-Messalem, Shiri, JSD
Welfare Fraud, Citizenship, and Resistance: Israeli Women's Attitudes Toward Workfare Ideology (2011)
Shirazyan, Sara, JSM (SPILS)
The Shrinking Alternatives To Incarceration: A Case Of Community Service Practice In Armenia (2011)
Ungar, Estefania Molina, JSM (SPILS)
Corporate Governance and Firm Valuation in Colombia: Are We Heading in the Right Direction? (2011)
Van den Eynde, Laura, JSM (SPILS)
Amicus Curiae Briefs Of Human Rights NGOs Before The European Court Of Human Rights (2011)
Wang, Siman, JSM (SPILS)
The Chinese Banking Reform 1998-2010: Reassignment of Property Rights, Regulatory Adaptation, and State Control (2011)
Zhu, Chenhao, JSM (SPILS)
Right To Silence And Its Discontents: A Content Analysis Of Right To Silence Scholarly Debate In China, 1996 - 2010 (2011)


Brandao, Cristina, JSM (SPILS)
Justice Cascade In Latin America And The Brazilian Case (2010)
Bresler, Nohar, JSM (SPILS)
Between Rhetoric And Results: The Judicial Role As Perceived By The Israeli Supreme Court In Regard To The Disengagement From Gaza Strip (2010)
Cárdenas, Eugenio J., JSM (SPILS)
Self-Regulation By The Mexican Stock Exchange: A Promising Path Toward Developing Mexico's Securities Market? (2010)
Chong, Agnes Hoi-Shan, JSM (SPILS)
Alms Or Arms?: Communication Of Counter-Terrorism Financing Laws And The Consequences For Australian Muslim Organizations (2010)
Cohen, Elin, JSD
Improving the Business Climate Under the Hot Sun: Do Small Business Associations Make a Difference? [A Study of Four Districts in Nyanza Province, Kenya] (2010)
Cui, Yan, JSM (SPILS)
Climate Change And International Consensus Building: A Content Analysis Of The UNFCCC Negotiations Toward Multilateral Environmental Agreement (2010)
Dyck, Tyson, JSM (SPILS)
Auditing Emissions Offsets: Examining The Extended Arm Of The Clean Development Mechanism (2010)
Faedi, Benedetta, JSD
From Gender Based-Violence To Women's Violence In Haiti (2010)
Fusco, Stefania, JSD
From State Street To Bilski: Patent Protection In The Financial Industry (2010)
Lin, Yu-Hsin, JSD
Weak Independent Directors, Strong Controlling Shareholders: Do Independent Directors Constrain Tunneling In Taiwan? (2010)
Morhe, Renee, JSD
Access To Justice And Resolution Of Criminal Cases At Informal Chiefs' Courts: The EWE Of Ghana (2010)
Nelson, Rebecca L., JSM (SPILS)
Till The Wells Run Dry? Controlling Groundwater Depletion In California, USA And Victoria, Australia (2010)
Ota, Ikuko, JSD
Measuring Japan's Nursery Quality within the UNCRC Framework:International Standards for Young Children's Social Services and Their Implications for Japan (2010)
Seng, Daniel, JSM (SPILS)
The Role Of Internet Intermediaries In The E-Book Industry: An Empirical Analysis (2010)
Snaevarr, Asdis Nordal, JSM (SPILS)
Captured By A Large Banking Sector In A Small Iceland: Distorted Balance Of Power, Legal Ambiguity And Ignorance Of Law (2010)
Trimble Landová, Markéta, JSD
Cross-Border Enforcement Of Patents (2010)
Vipond, Melanie J., JSM (SPILS)
First Contract Arbitration: Evidence From British Columbia, Canada Of The Significance Of Mediator's Non-Binding Recommendations (2010)
Wahhab, Jasmine, JSM (SPILS)
NAFTA Chapter 11 Investor-State Arbitration: From Text to Reality — An Empirical Assessment (2010)
Woo, Sarah Pei Yee, JSD
An Empirical Study Of Residential Developer Bankruptcies In The United States 2007-2008 (2010)


Arbel, Yonatan, JSM (SPILS)
The Specifics Of Performance: Empirical Study Of Specific Performance Litigation In Israel (2009)
Davila, Juana, JSM (SPILS)
Bureaucracy And Forced Displacement In Bogota, Colombia: The Construction Of Forced Displacement Victims And Other Procedures (2009)
Dornis, Tim W., JSM (SPILS)
International Lanham Act Application – An Empirical Study Of United States Case Law From 1952 Until 2008 (2009)
Kamalova, Nozima, JSM (SPILS)
A Critique Of The Community Self-Management Organization Mahalla And Its Complicity In Government Repression In Uzbekistan (2009)
Lamprea, Everaldo Montealegre, JSM (SPILS)
When Accountability Meets Judicial Independence: A Case-study Of 2008 Civil Society Transparency Observation Of The Colombian Constitutional Court's Nominations (2009)
Lee, Jyh-An, JSD
The Neglected Role of Non-Profit Organizations In The Intellectual-Commons Environment (2009)
Lim, Daryl, JSM (SPILS)
Patent Misuse And Antitrust: An Empirical Study (2009)
Liu, Jiarui, JSM (SPILS)
The Tough Reality of Copyright Piracy — A Case Study Of The Music Industry In China (2009)
Mendez, Jorge Luis Silva, JSD
How Do Principals Deal With Underperforming Teachers? A Study Of How Principals From Secondary Schools In Mexico City Manage Underperforming Teachers (2009)
Mohan, Mahdev, JSM (SPILS)
The Paradox Of Victim-Centrism: A Case Study Of The Civil Party Process At The Khmer Rouge Tribunal (2009)
Nyaga, Jackline Irene Muthoni, JSM (SPILS)
Implementing Parallel Importation And Licensing Mechanisms To Increase Access To Medicines In Kenya (2009)
Okamoto, Noriko, JSM (SPILS)
Protection Of Celebrities In Japan: Case Analysis Of Defamation And Invasion Of Privacy (2009)
Puig de la Parra, Sergio, JSD
The Political-Economy And The Causes Of Compliance Of Trade And Investment Agreements: NAFTA And The Sweeteners Sector (2009)
Sela, Ayelet, JSM (SPILS)
Attorneys' Perspectives Of Mediation: An Empirical Analysis Of Attorneys' Mediation Referral Practices, Barriers And Potential Agency Problems, And Their Effect On Mediation In Israel (2009)
Smythe, Deirdre, JSD
Recalcitrant Victims And Refractory Systems: An Exploratory Study Of Attrition During The Investigation Of Rape Complaints In Post-Apartheid South Africa (2009)
Tarinyeba, Winifred Mary, JSD
The Design Of Micro Credit Contracts And Costs Of Credit: A Case Study Of Micro Enterprise Finance In Uganda (2009)
Yang, Chia-Ling, JSM (SPILS)
Taking It To Court Or Taking It To The Streets? How And Why Do Physicians In Taiwan Handle Disputes With The Government-Run Universal Health Plan? (2009)
Zayat, Demian, JSM (SPILS)
Between Merit and Politics The selection of Federal Judges in Argentina (2009)


Galindo, Ariana Sanchez, JSD
Beyond Legalism: The Mexican Supreme Court In The Democratic Era (2008)
Magen, Amichai A., JSD
Rules And Engagement: A Comparative Qualitative Evaluation Of European Union Rule-Of-Law Promotion In Romania, Turkey, Serbia And Ukraine (2008)
Na, Youngsoog, JSD
The Role Of Competition Law And Policy In The Economic Development Of Korea (2008)
Paton, Paul Douglas, JSD
"In The Public Interest": Threats To Self-Regulation Of The Legal Profession In Ontario, 1998-2006 (2008)
Pérez-Hurtado, Luis Fernando, JSD
The Next Generation Of Mexican Lawyers: A Study Of Mexico's System Of Legal Education And Its Law Students (2008)
Shamir, Julia, JSM (SPILS)
The Perceptions Of The Rule Of Law Among Immigrants From The Former Soviet Union To Israel: Does Age Matter? (2008)


Camarena Osorno, Beatriz Adriana, JSD
Unbundling Path Dependence: A Case Study Of Telecommunications Reform in Mexico, 1990-2006 (2007)
Candeias, Sofia, JSM (SPILS)
Do You Really Think War Criminals Should Be Punished? The Actions Taken by Canada, Germany, France, The UK And The US To Promote Criminal Accountability For Serious Crimes In Eastern DRC And Darfur: A Comparative Case Study (2007)
Cheng, Wan-Chiung, JSM (SPILS)
Study On Intellectual Property Protection And Licensing Policy Of Bioinformatics Databases In Taiwan (2007)
Cordero Salas, Maria Jose, JSM (SPILS)
The Implementation of DR-CAFTA In Costa Rica: Exploring Patents And Test Data Protection Provisions For Pharmaceutical Products (2007)
Faedi, Benedetta, JSM (SPILS)
The Double Weakness Of Girls: Discrimination And Sexual Violence In Haiti (2007)
Gomez, Manuel, JSD
All In The Family: The Influence Of Social Networks On Dispute Processing [A Case Study Of A Developing Economy] (2007)
Herder, Matthew, JSM (SPILS)
(Re)institutionalizing Norms Of Access: A Study Of Technology Transfer Practices At Canadian And US Institutions Engaged In Genetics Research (2007)
Huerta Molina, Jose Miguel, JSM (SPILS)
Reform In The Santiago Civil Courts: Is The New Civil Procedure Code A Solution For Backlog And Delay? (2007)
Kroemer, Anne-Kathrin, JSM (SPILS)
The Impact Of Copyright Beyond National Borders: The Case Of Access To Educational Materials In Developing Countries (2007)
Lee, Sun Goo, JSM (SPILS)
Are Korean Civil Courts Fair To Medical Malpractice Plaintiffs? (2007)
Lisson, David, JSM (SPILS)
Defining "National Group" In The Genocide Convention: A Case Study Of East Timor (2007)
Morhe, Renee, JSM (SPILS)
Legal Aid In Ghana: Challenges In Providing Counsel For The Indigent (2007)
Naddeo, Cecilia Cristina, JSM (SPILS)
Co-adjudication Human Rights Conflicts: The Supreme Court Of Argentina And The Inter-American System Of Human Rights (2007)
Oduwole, Olajumoke Omoniyi, JSM (SPILS)
West Africa's Participation In WTO Dispute Settlement: The "Cotton 4" And The US-Upland Cotton Dispute (2007)