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The Opinion Pages

Holly Gressley
Op-Ed Contributor

It’s Time to Update Overtime

Obama should help workers by bringing the law up-to-date. comment icon Comment


No Jobs, No Benefits, and Lousy Pay

The latest jobs report is a sobering backdrop for the debate on poverty and inequality. comment icon Comment


Sex Is Not Our Problem

Dealing with the decline of the traditional family and high single-parent birthrates means addressing broader issues. comment icon Comment


Imagining President Christie

We have learned so much about how Chris Christie can handle a crisis this week. comment icon Comment


Down to the Last Cigarette?

Millions of lives have been saved, but it might be time for another surgeon general’s report about the link between smoking and illness and death. comment icon Comment


Booze, Revisited

At first, I couldn’t think of any alcoholics in my life — then they began to file into consciousness, coming into focus like ghosts in a story. comment icon Comment


Haiti, Unfinished and Forsaken

Four years after the earthquake, humanitarian aid seems to have run its course and development is lagging.


Increased Security for Nuclear Materials

There has been progress, but at a nuclear summit meeting in March, world leaders can do more to make the world safer.

Room for Debate

Rethinking How Baseball's 'Greats' Are Chosen

Does the voting process for the Baseball Hall of Fame need to be changed?

Gray Matter

Remembrance of News Past

Why do we remember some details about long-ago events, but not others?

Taking Note

Tea Party Delays Spending, Beats Dead Horse

Some Republicans are adding ridiculous, ideologically inflected riders to the appropriations bill.


Why Nazi Hunting Remains Crucial

A German prosecution reminds us that there can be no rest when genocide and hate still bedevil the world.


Increasing Nuclear Security

An approaching nuclear summit meeting can do more to keep the world safe.

Op-Ed Contributor

Quebec's Latest Stand

The Charter of Values expresses Quebec's dim view of multiculturalism.


Turkey Needs Justice for All

So long as the judiciary is seen as a weapon to be used against political opponents, there will be no rule of law.

Opinionator | Disunion

The Execution of David O. Dodd

Was the 17-year-old Arkansas boy a spy, or just unlucky?


Christie’s Efforts at Damage Control

Readers react to Gov. Chris Christie’s apology and denial that he authorized a traffic jam.

Op-Ed Contributor

A Kind of Racism We’re Not Used To

I promised my children that America would feel different because, for the first time in their lives, they would not feel they were different.

Op-Ed Contributor

Snapshots of Globalization's First Wave

Photographs taken in 1979 captured the fading way of life among the migrant workers of Penang.


Myanmar’s Constitutional Reform

Parliament can promote democracy by ending unfair restrictions on candidates.

Op-Ed Contributors

Iran’s Path to Nuclear Peace

If Tehran will take a more pragmatic approach to nuclear energy, it can resolve the stalemate and rescue its economy.

Opinionator | Private Lives

How to Talk to Kids About Death

Some people say it’s fun after we die and some people say it’s quiet.

Opinionator | Fixes

In the Long War on Poverty, Small Victories That Matter

We have become more thoughtful and systematic in solving our most pressing problems. Here are some winners in the battle for social change.

Opinionator | The Conversation

Pet Theories

Brooks and Collins on whether cats or dogs rule.

Opinionator | Draft

Forgetting It All

Without reliable memory, I’m a composer with notes but no melody, a sculptor with nothing but crumbled medium.

Opinionator | Disunion

Teodoro Zamora’s Commission

Was the Civil War America’s just deserts for the Mexican-American War? One Tejano rebel thought so.

Taking Note

The Editorial Page Editor's Blog

Tea Party Delays Spending, Beats Dead Horse

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