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SPECIAL MEETING: President Obama meets Monday with Gen. Scott Gration, his administration's special envoy to Sudan, in the wake of disputed presidential elections there.

In the evening, the president heads to Los Angeles to attend fundraisers for California Sen. Barbara Boxer's reelection bid.

All of today's posts

Gates: Memo 'mischaracterized'

Responds to NYT Iran memo report

Responds to NYT Iran memo report

Responding to Times story about his confidential January memo, he says it "was not intended as a 'wake up call'" ...

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Sunday show highlights

Geithner bullish, Gibbs chides

Geithner bullish, Gibbs chides

Treasury Secretary is bullish on the Wall St. bill; Press Secretary chides members of the corps, plus more from this week's shows ...

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Volcano grounds trip to Poland

Obama will miss funeral

Obama will miss funeral

President Obama will be unable to attend the funeral for Polish President Lech Kaczynski, becaue of the volcanic ash ...

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Ahmadinejad to Obama

W.H. confirms letter received

W.H. confirms letter received

The White House is confirming that  Obama received a letter from the Iranian president last month ...

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'No more bailouts'

Reform must address derivatives

Reform must address derivatives

The president says he will veto financial regulatory legislation that doesn't address the derivatives market ...

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Obamas to N.C. next weekend

Obamas to N.C. next weekend

President Obama and the first lady will go to Asheville, N.C., on April 23 for the weekend, the White House announced ...

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2012 preview?

Gallup: Voters split on re-election

Gallup: Voters split on re-election

A new poll finds the POTUS in trouble with voters, but also notes some key similarities between him and one of his predecessors ...

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Representation proclamation

Obama calls for D.C. voting rights

Obama calls for D.C. voting rights

The W.H. releases this statement by Obama urging Congress to grant voting representation to residents of Washington, D.C. ...

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Week's overhyped story ...

Week's overhyped story ...

... was the news that 46 countries signed on to the POTUS' goal of making nukes unattainable to terrorists within four years ...

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A gentler Teddy

Obama honors Roosevelt's legacy

Obama honors Roosevelt's legacy

Obama vows to preserve Theodore Roosevelt's legacy but cautions that he will be a gentler outdoorsman ...

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Clinton's message to Israel

Sends Independence Day congrats

Sends Independence Day congrats

Hillary Clinton congratulates Israel on its Independence Day: "an opportunity to celebrate all that Israel has accomplished" ...

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D.C. climate conference

Reps. from 16 nations in D.C.

Reps. from 16 nations in D.C.

Todd Stern and Michael Froman will host representatives from 16 nations for a meeting of the Major Economies Forum ...

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WHCA airs grievances to Gibbs

W.H. tries to repair relations

W.H. tries to repair relations

The press secretary meets with the media for 75 minutes in an effort to improve frayed relations ...

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Weekly address

Obama: GOP answers to Wall St.

Obama: GOP answers to Wall St.

The president asks Congress to pass Wall Street reform to avoid another economic disaster like the 2008 recession ...

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Familiar face?

W.H. plans health care hire

W.H. plans health care hire

W.H. officials tell Democratic senators that they're planning to bring aboard a well-known communications hand ...

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Indictments at Blackwater

Justice: 'Several schemes'

Justice: 'Several schemes'

Former head Gary Jackson was charged along with four former employees with conspiracy to violate firearms laws  ...

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Winds of influence

Obama seeks business on climate

Obama seeks business on climate

He reaches out to the business community on climate change, saying it can weigh in on the issue "in a significant way" ...

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Goldman sacked

SEC cites mortgage 'deception'

SEC cites mortgage 'deception'

Goldman Sachs is charged with defrauding investors by selling a financial product tied to subprime mortgages ...

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Week's less examined story ...

Week's less examined story ...

... was the news that President Obama met with President Hu Jintao of China to discuss the controversial value of China's currency ...

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'Great conservationist'

Richardson is 'in the house'

Richardson is 'in the house'

The New Mexico governor, a former Interior secretary and the mayor of Newark, N.J., attend Obama's outdoors announcement ...

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