How Aid Works

Student Responsibility

Since you are the primary beneficiary of a Stanford education, we expect you to participate in paying for a portion of your college costs.  Your financial aid package for the academic year will include an expected contribution from student earnings.  For most students, this expected contribution will be at least $5,000: at least $2,200 from prior earnings (particularly summer earnings), and $2,800 from part-time employment during the academic year. The total expected contribution from student earnings will vary based on individual circumstances.

In addition, you will be expected to contribute from your personal assets, such as savings and investments, if any. The contribution amount per academic year is set at 5% of your total assets as reported in your financial aid application materials.

You may choose to cover part or all of your expected contributions from earnings and assets with student loan funds. To request student loans, please send an email message to our office at

You can also reduce or eliminate your expected contribution from student earnings by obtaining outside scholarships. For examples of how outside scholarships can reduce or eliminate the expected contribution from student earnings, please refer to our Outside Awards page. Please note that the expected contribution from student assets cannot be reduced by outside scholarships.


















Last update: October 15, 2013 1:44 PM