R&DE Student Housing: Contact Us

Questions about your residence?

Contact your Housing Front Desk

General housing inquiries

Send Us a HelpSU anytime

Maintenance Problems

Submit a Fix-it request

Maintenance Emergencies

Call the Maintenance Hotline: (650) 725-1602

R&DE Student Housing Assignments

Phone: (650) 725-2810 Fax: (650) 736-1297

Address: 482 Galvez Mall, Suite 110, Stanford, CA 94305

Questions? Send Us a HelpSU anytime

Office Hours: Monday - Friday - 10:00 am - 5:00 pm*  (please note - these modified hours will be in place through Wednesday, May 20.  Effective Thursday, May 21, the office will resume 8:00 am - 5:00 pm office hours)

*Occasionally the office must be closed early or opened late for business purposes. These changes will be posted on the office door and on this page.


Freshmen and Undergraduate Transfer Students

Send Us a HelpSU anytime May-September: (650) 723-2428

Off-campus Housing


(650) 725-2810

Stanford Directory information

StanfordWho (650) 723-2300

Sublicensing within Graduate Housing


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