White House Schedule - September 11, 2014

Format: 09-11-2014

Thursday, September 11 2014

All Times ET
8:45 am
The President, Vice President, First Lady, and White House staff observe a moment of silence to mark the 13th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks
South Lawn
Pooled Press
Pooled Press (Pre-set 8:00AM; Final Gather 8:25AM – North Doors of the Palm Room)
9:30 am
The President and First Lady attend the September 11th Observance Ceremony
The Pentagon Memorial
Travel Pool Coverage
(In-Town Travel Pool Gather 8:55AM – North Doors of the Palm Room)
12:30 pm
The President and Vice President meet for lunch
Private Dining Room
Closed Press
1:00 pm
Press Briefing by Press Secretary Josh Earnest
2:55 pm
The President and Vice President meet with Secretary of Health and Human Services Burwell
Oval Office
Closed Press
5:20 pm
The President and First Lady participate in a service project
Washington D.C. Area
Travel Pool Coverage
In-Town Travel Pool Coverage (In-Town Travel Pool Gather 4:40PM – North Doors of the Palm Room)
Pool Call Time: 
AP, Reuters, Bloomberg
Wire Photos: 
AP, Reuters, AFP
TV Corr & Crew: 
NY Daily News