Prepare for Travel


Make sure you have entered crucial data into

  • Your Emergency Record, in which you may store vital personal health information, and
  • Your Personal Travel Locator, in which you may store flight and hotel information

Both are provided by International SOS.

Travel Immunizations

Prior to a planned international trip, please visit the Travel Clinic at the Vaden Health Center at Stanford University.

The Travel Clinic provides consultation and immunizations to meet the needs of Stanford faculty, staff, students, spouses, partners and alumni traveling overseas.  Complete evaluations are customized to patient’s health status and travel plans.

Stanford International Travel Policy

Please note that Stanford does not allow undergraduates to travel to US Department of State Travel Warning Countries. For further information about U.S. Department of State travel advisories, please consult the Department of State web site at

See also the Stanford International Travel Policy at

Preparing for US  Department of State Travel Warning Countries

Risk Management has developed some guidelines for travel to US  Department of State Travel Warning countries.

Some of the protocols are:

  • Program and Dean of School trip approval, indicating travel is related to a Stanford purpose
  • Register with the local US Embassy through the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) at
  • Review of itinerary, security and logistics by Risk Management
  • Country risk reports received/acknowledged
  • Signed waiver/release
  • Key program agreements/contract(s) in place
  • Emergency contacts on file
  • Verification of medical insurance, including medical evacuation