Featured Reports

June 18, 2015
Stanford Report
Mark Zoback and Rall Wash say the recent spike in earthquakes in Oklahoma is mainly due to wastewater injections from oil and gas production, not fracking.

June 17, 2015
SLAC News Center
Yi Cui and colleagues discovered that adding two chemicals to a lithium-metal battery electrolyte prevents the formation of dendrites that can cause it to short.

June 15, 2015
Zhenan Bao and colleagues have grown carbon-60 thin films on graphene, a technique that could be applied to flexible solar cells.

June 15, 2015
Stanford Report
Sebastian Lotz, a research fellow at Stanford, has shown that behavioral decision design can nudge people to purchase clean, renewable energy plans over fossil fuel.

June 10, 2015
X-ray studies at SLAC have for the first time observed an exotic property that could warp the electronic structure of a material in a way that reduces heat buildup in computer components.

June 2, 2015
American Geophysical Union
Heat produced from burning a fossil fuel is surpassed within months by the warming caused by its atmospheric CO2 emissions, says Ken Caldeira.

May 28, 2015
Stanford Engineering
Jelena Vuckovic and colleagues have developed a process that could revolutionize computing by making it practical to use light instead of electricity to carry data.

May 28, 2015
School of Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences
Jesse Lawrence and colleagues have devised a technique that transforms tiny tremors generated by everyday city life into a tool for probing the Earth's subsurface.