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Install and Configure Adium

Installing Adium

Adium is a free instant messaging application for Mac OS X.

Note: You must be logged in to Kerberos in order to successfully connect to Stanford IM. (See the Kerberos Configuration Utility for Macintosh for more information.)

  1. Direct your web browser to and click the Download Adium link.
  2. If the Adium window is not open, double-click the Adium disk image on your desktop or double-click the Adium .dmg file in your Downloads folder.
  3. Drag the Adium duck icon into the Applications folder.

    download Adium
  4. Open the Applications folder and double-click Adium.
  5. When the Adium Setup Assistant window is displayed, click Continue.

    start Setup Assistant
  6. In the Add an Instant Messaging Account window, enter the following information:
    • Service: XMPP
    • Jabber ID: your SUNet
    • Password: leave blank
    add an Instant Messaging Account
  7. Click Continue.
  8. If you are prompted to enter your account password, click Cancel.
  9. Click Done in the Adium Setup Assistant.

    exit Setup Wizard

Configuring Adium for your SUNet ID

Note: You must be logged in to Kerberos in order to communicate securely within Stanford.

  1. In the Adium menu, click Preferences.
  2. Click Accounts to display the Accounts window.
    • If you are configuring Adium for the first time, select your user name and then click Edit.
    • If you are configuring an existing Adium client, click the + in the lower-left corner and select  XMPP.
    Accounts preferences window
  3. The contents of the Account tab will be displayed.
    • If you are configuring Adium for the first time, your address is entered in the Jabber ID field by default.
    • If you are configuring an existing Adium client, in the Jabber ID field, enter your address (do not use an alias).
    Leave the Password field blank and do not click Register New Account.

    Account tab
  4. Click the Options tab and enter the following:
    • Connect Server: leave blank
    • BOSH Server: leave blank
    • File Transfer Proxies: accept the default
    • Resource: defaults to your Mac's computer name
    • Port: 5222
    • Available Priority: leave blank
    • Away Priority: leave blank
    • Mail option: unchecked (should be grayed out)
    • Emoticons: checked or unchecked as you prefer
    • Security: Allow plaintext authentication: unchecked
    • Security: Force old-style SSL/TLS: unchecked
    • Security: Require SSL/TLS: checked
    • Security: Do strict certificate checks: unchecked
    • Presence Subscriptions: Ask What to Do
    • Connect when Adium opens: checked or unchecked as you prefer
    Adium options
  5. Click the Privacy tab. Set Encryption to Encrypt chats as requested.

    Privacy tab settings
  6. Click OK.

Disabling message logging

By default, Adium logs all chat sessions in a file on your computer. If your chat sessions contain anything other than unrestricted information, you should change your preferences to not log data. See the Data Classification chart for more information about data types.

To disable message logging:

  1. In the Adium menu, click Preferences.
  2. Click General to display the general preference options.
  3. In the Messages section, remove the check from the Log messages box.

    disable message logging
  4. Close the dialog box.
Last modified August 4, 2014