Art & Architecture Library

Permanent Rotation: Four Works by Man Ray

curated by Peter Blank

New Langton Arts Catalogs and Ephemera


Catalog Titles:

Cabinet of Wonders: A Contemporary Kunstkammer

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curated and designed by

Cabinet of Wonders Mirabilia

The Kunstkammer or Wunderkammer is often referred to, in English, as a “cabinet of curiosities.”  This term seems to have been generated most directly by collectors’ propensity for acquiring objects whose main attributes were their abnormalities.  Such abnormalities might be extreme size (small or large), presumed magical powers (e.g., medicinal herbs), unique origins (e.g., from an ancient burial site), or mythical status (e.g., “unicorn” hor

Cabinet of Wonders Exotica

A fascination with the exotic permeated every aspect of collecting for the Kunstkammer.  With the possession of the unusual and distantly sourced came a unique status that labeled the collector as a connoisseur and the collection as a special destination.  Assemblages of exotica might include non-Western weapons, musical instruments, pottery, and clothing; Greek or Roman sculptural fragments; African masks; or Islamic manuscripts.  By the mid-sixteenth and sev

Cabinet of Wonders Naturalia

A Kunstkammer often contained animal specimens: taxidermied, dried, ossified; whole or in parts.  The specific animals ranged from armadillos, one of the most popular species to collect, to coral and scarabs.  The purpose of collecting these specimens varied; for some it was to document the natural history of a particular location and to illustrate the collector’s impressive travel (and perhaps hunting) hist

Cabinet of Wonders Introductory Text

La decoration arabe Vienna Dioscorides Cabinet of Wonders Calendrier magique


Paris : Editions Anthropos, 1967-1977
17 v. : ill. ; 23-27 cm
Library has: no 1(1967)-no 17(1977/1978)

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