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Japanese studies


EAL grand staircase

Social sciences and humanities for all historical periods in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean languages.

Notable collections

Front cover image from Nothing Left in my Hands by Kazuko Nakane

The Issei Oral History Project in Watsonville consists of interviews conducted by Kazuko Nakane from 1978 to 1983 with fifteen Japanese-American residents in Watsonville, California.

A selection of cover images from the Japanese DVD and BluRay Collection.

Starting in 2014, the Japanese collection at Stanford started acquiring noteworthy movies.

A part of the East Asia Library's robust collection of award-winning Japanese-language books for children.

The East Asia Library has started to collect award-winning Japanese children’s books.

A few titles from the collection of Japanese manga held at the East Asia Library.

Stanford has a robust manga collection boasting more than 330 titles.  To review the titles, search for "Stanford manga collection."

An image from one of the books in this collection, Akushu da, shows a boy trying to shake hands with a massive storm.

There have been many publications related to the 2011 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear accident, but among the most poignant are the efforts of auth

A few examples of the materials in the Stanford textbook collection

Stanford has over 400 Japanese textbooks from the early twentieth century (and some more recent ones also!).

A hidden jewel of the Japanese collection is

An example of an Edo-period woodblock print from our collection.  This souvenir print is from Karasaki Shrine in Shiga province.

The Japanese collection boasts a large collection of prints from the 17th through the mid-20th century.

Subject Librarians

Japanese Studies Librarian, Buddhist Studies Librarian, Religious Studies Librarian (interim)
(650) 725-3437
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