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Earth Sciences Library

Map library, GIS support, and collection covering geology, seismology, energy resources engineering & more.

Course guides

Course number Term Guide Instructor
CLASSGEN 61N Winter Classical California Grant Parker

Notable collections

This collection of 17th and 18th century maps depict California as an island.

Africa / Libya / Morland / mit allen kunigsreichen so zu unsern zeiten darin gefunden werden (Basel, ca. 1545)

Antiquarian maps from all over the world.

The David Rumsey Map Collection at Stanford University Libraries.

18th and 19th century North and South American cartographic materials

Antiquarian maps of Africa from the collections of the late Dr. Oscar I. Norwich and the Stanford University Libraries.

Geology of the Pine Mountain area, Ventura County, California

450 maps and 50 field notebooks survey and map parts of California, Nevada, and Utah.

Subject Librarians

Julie Sweetkind-Singer
Assistant Director of Geospatial, Cartographic and Scientific Data & Services, Head of the Branner Earth Sciences Library & Map Collections
(650) 725-1102