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Mountain Hardwear (A): The Early Years

Mountain Hardwear (A): The Early Years

George Foster, Joshua Spitzer
2006| Case No. E228A

The Mountain Hardwear A, B, and C cases cover the founding and rise of the premium outdoor apparel and equipment manufacturer. The A case (set between late 1993 and 1999) addresses the company’s founding, early brand development, and the particular characteristics of the outdoor apparel and equipment industry. The B case is set in 2003 and examines trends within that industry as well as the company’s opportunity to be acquired by a larger, more diversified apparel company. The C case is set in 2006, and it examines Mountain Hardwear’s athlete sponsorship program.

product positioning, distribution channels, management of crises, marketing strategy, mergers and acquisitions, brand management, consumer marketing, clothing, athletics
This material is available to current Stanford GSB students, faculty and staff. Please direct further inquiries to the Case Writing Office.