National Biocomputation Center

The People

The center has a core group of researchers focusing on advancing 3-D imaging technology, visualization and simulation. The outcome of this work is directly applied to clinical projects. Collaborations with other departments within Stanford as well as other institutions multiplies the number of projects possible using the same technology and provides a fertile environment for new ideas and new projects.

Stephen Schendel, MD, DDS
Cofounder and Director of the center

Kevin Montgomery, PhD
Technical Director of the Center. Provides technical direction for the center, oversees and develops clinical applications and maintains collaborations with external groups.

Carsten Mundt, PhD
Hardware Engineer. Carsten is developing hardware for the Smart Healthcare Monitoring Systems) Project and the Bioexplorer) Project.

Usen Udoh, MS
Hardware Engineer. Usen is developing advanced technologies for the Smart Healthcare Monitoring Systems) Project.

Guillaume Thonier
Computer Scientist. He is working on developing software for the Smart Healthcare Monitoring Systems) Project and other projects.

Arnaud Tellier
Computer Scientist. He is working on streaming stereo video over the Internet and other cool networking applications for the Smart Healthcare Monitoring Systems) Project and other projects.

Rei Cheng
Graphics Engineer. She is working on immersive and nonimmersive visualization. (joint project with NASA Ames BioVis Center)

Joel Brown
A PhD candidate in the department of Computer Science. He is working on soft tissue modeling for his PhD thesis.

Greg Defouw
Computer Engineer. He is working on wireless networking and wearable computing for the Smart Healthcare Monitoring Systems Project.

Michael Madison
Electrical Engineer. He is working on surgical simulators running on game consoles.

Bobby Barnes
Electrical Engineer. He is working on the Virtual Glovebox Project, in collaboration with the NASA Ames BioVis Center) .

CJ Slyfield
Visiting scholar. CJ is using CAD packages to develop virtual tools for our simulators.

Serena Wong
Computer Scientist. She is using Java3D to create an on-line patient anatomy browser . Also, she's our primary Gadgeteer.

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