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Awards & Honors

Jun 2 2015
Michael Lepech, assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering; Amin Arbabian, assistant professor of electrical engineering; Marco Pavone, assistant professor of aeronautics and astronautics; Manu Prakash, assistant professor of bioengineering; and Sindy Tang, assistant professor of...
In many of the world’s overcrowded urban slums, residents must choose between open defecation, crowded public toilets or expensive private pit latrines that can’t be emptied safely. A Stanford team working on a sustainable solution recently won a $15,000 grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection...
ANNE KIREMIDJIAN, a Stanford professor of civil and environmental engineering, has been named a Distinguished Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers. She will receive the award – the society’s highest honor – at the ASCE Global Engineering Conference in Panama City, Panama, in October....
Aug 26 2013
When Richard Gelting defended his dissertation in 1995, two anthropologists sat in judgment of his work along with his professors from Stanford’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. "One of the strengths of Stanford is that you’re not always confined to a specific discipline," said...
Dec 7 2012
A research team made up largely of Stanford undergraduate students received prestigious federal recognition recently. They are working on low-cost technology to provide safe drinking water to millions. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) awarded a $15,000 grant and the opportunity to...