Energy Saver identifier

Weatherizing your home helps you save money by saving energy, and it can also improve the comfort of your home. Professionals who perform weatherization services are part of the "Home Performance" industry.  They are trained to understand how a house works as a system and to offer solutions that can solve common and difficult problems using building science.

Conduct a home energy audit to start building your strategy for weatherizing your home, then learn about air sealing, insulation, moisture control, and ventilation.

Weatherization Topics

Home Energy Assessments
A home energy audit, also known as a home energy assessment, can help you understand the whole picture of your home's energy use.
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Air Sealing Your Home
Reducing air leakage in your home saves money and energy.
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Insulation saves homeowners money and improves comfort.
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Moisture Control
Controlling moisture can make your home more energy-efficient, less costly to heat and cool, and more comfortable.
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Controlled ventilation keeps energy-efficient homes healthy and comfortable.
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Weatherization Assistance

Weatherization assistance is offered by states; eligibility requirements vary. Find out how to apply for weatherization assistance.

Find an Energy Assessor

The U.S. Department of Energy does not offer energy assessments. Visit RESNET or the Building Performance Institute to find a professional assessor near you.