Since 2011, the SAAGE program has brought highly motivated high-school students to Stanford’s Center for Latin American Studies to take part in multi-disciplinary academic training under the mentoring and supervision of professors and graduate students. Through a variety of pedagogical tools, including field visits, multi-media presentations, literature, film, and current-events, students gain significant knowledge of various aspects of Latin American studies and the importance of the Latin American region for the world at large. Such knowledge is intended to facilitate students’ future academic and community-based work. For more information, visit
SAAGE wins Stanford Community Partnership Award. View article here.


The CLAS-Cesar Chavez Academy of Palo Alto “Stanford Science” focuses on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). The partnership brings students from Cesar Chavez Academy of Palo Alto to the Center for Latin American Studies at Stanford University weekly for the entire fall quarter to learn science in several Stanford science laboratories and in the Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve, including a tour of the rain forest ecosystem of the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco. In these sessions, students receive an introductory presentation of the theme of study for the session, followed by a demonstration of the corresponding laboratory, engaging the students in some activity representative of the research being done therein and allowing for the interaction of outstanding Stanford professors/instructors and local students. During his presentation on ecology and biodiversity of rain forests at the California Academy of Sciences, CLAS Director and Professor in the Biology Department Rodolfo Dirzo brings an emphasis on Latin America to the Stanford Science program. For more information, see the Stanford Science 2013 Report.

STEM for Latinas

In Fall 2014, CLAS served as a host in the pilot program STEM for Latinas, coordinated by the Mexican Consulate of San Jose, California, which introduces Latina girls, aged 9-13 and from low-income families, to the professional world of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math through activities such as workshops, a university tour, and visits to technology companies locate in Silicon Valley. The goal is to inspire Latina girls, thereby creating a future in which more Latina women integrate into the fascinating world of science and technology. Professor Dirzo hosted the group at Bolivar House on November 5, 2014. The success of this program has led to launching of the program under full co-sponsorship of CLAS, Fundación Televisa, and the Mexican Consulate in San Jose, starting spring 2015.


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