Research Management Group (RMG)

Stanford Forms

This webpage contains various internal Stanford research administrative forms.
If you have any questions about these forms and related Stanford policies, please contact your department's or division's, Research Process Manager (RPM >>).

If you have a question about the webpage, please contact Jeanne Heschele at

Update: an Institutional Certification Genetic/Genomic Data Sharing Form and procedures are being finalized and will be posted here in the near future.



PDRF-Proposal Development and Routing Form

See the Stanford Electronic Research Administration (SERA) website >>  for online access to the PDRF form. (SUNET ID required for access).

NOTE: Recommended browsers: Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) Version 7 (will not work in IE 8); Firefox

Fellowship PDRF Form: see the RMG Fellowship Office webpage



Clinical Trials Funding Increase Form 

Additional costs not included in the original agreement may require a contract amendment. Use this form is to request an increase in budget funding beyond the amount previously awarded. It is only to be used to account for invoiceables, patient care costs, or other costs included in the original agreement.

Download form    Excel form (revised 12/01/14)

Please complete and send to Cathi Blackwood in RMG at

This form may only be used for Clinical Trial Agreements

Clinical Trials: No cost extension form

This form is for Clinical Trials Only, not contracts or grants

Download form    Excel form  (revised 12/01/14)

Please complete and send to Cathi Blackwood in RMG at

Institutional Certification Genetic/Genomic Data Sharing

Effective Jan. 25, 2015, all NIH-supported research that generates large-scale genomic data, defined as > 100 individual participants, must include the following:

NIH applications: Data Sharing Plan must be included to describe how data will be de-identified; how consent will be obtained, and the consent language specifying broad data sharing

Just-in-Time: Institutional Certification will be required including: IRB approval; limitations or restrictions to data sharing; whether data submission is to an unrestrictive-or controlled-access repository

Guidance for NIH Genetic Data Sharing for NIH Grant Submission


  • Sample Genetic Data Sharing Plan Template
    This form contains various templates you can use in your NIH applications.
    Genomic Data Sharing Plan Template Word
    NIH Guidance for Developing Data-Sharing Plans for GWAS PDF
  • Institutional Certification Genetic/Genomic Data Sharing Form
    Institutional Certification form  

    • If this pertains to the NIH or another sponsored project, School of Medicine PIs must complete, sign, then submit the form to their RPM
      Scan the completed/signed form, and send the PDF form via email attachment to your department's or division's Research Process Manager (RPM >>)
    • If this does not pertain to a sponsored project, School of Medicine PIs must submit information to the IRB
      IRB webpage >>

No cost extension form for Grants

This form is required for use by the School of Medicine. We cannot use the OSR Form 49 because the SoM form has questions regarding human and animal subjects and discusses cost sharing.

Download: No Cost Extention Form for Grants (NCX) (Rev. 07/22/2011)  

This form is required for use by the School of Medicine. We cannot use the OSR Form 49 because the SoM form has questions regarding human and animal subjects and discusses cost sharing.

For federal grants that fall under Expanded Authorities (e.g. NIH, NSF, DOE, DOD, Army) , complete Sections A and B and return to your RPM for review and approval (via email is ok).

For other grants that do not fall under Expanded Authorities, complete Section A. Return the signed form to your RPM with the letter being sent to the sponsor.

No cost extension form for Contracts

Download the OSR Form 49- No Cost Extension from the
DoResearch No Cost Extension webpage >>

Although the OSR Form 49 indicates grants and contracts, it should only be used for contracts in the School of Medicine.

Please see the section above for special NCX form for Grants to be used by the School of Medicine.

Please complete and send to the OSR Intake email address:

This form is for CONTRACTS ONLY, not grants.

A Contract NCX requires approval from both a Contract Officer at OSR and an authorized person at the sponsor.

Conflict of Interest Annual and Ad Hoc Disclosures

Link to webpage for School of Medicine Conflict of Interest policies and procedures.

Dr. Ann Arvin, Vice Provost and Dean for Research, has announced a new training tutorial titled Avoiding Financial Conflicts of Interest that must be completed by all new Stanford faculty. It is a self-paced, web-based module designed to provide an overview of the high-risk situations that can lead to financial conflicts of interest for faculty. Additional information about the module can be found at the COI website>> . It is available to all members of the Stanford community with SUNet IDs through the Stanford Training and Registration System (STARS).

Industrial Contract Office Routing Form

This is the routing form ICO uses when a PI wants to request additional funds, change the scope of work, request a NCX, etc.

This form is only used for industrial contracts that are negotiated by ICO.

(ICO) Routing Form  

Infrastructure Charge Exemption Request Form

This form is for use by the School of Medicine.

Infrastructure Charge (ISC) Exemption Request Form (School of Medicine)
(Revised 02/09/2015)  

Infrastructure Charge (ISC) Policy DoResearsch webpage >>
Infrastructure charge policy-School of Medicine more >>

Early Account and PTA Forms

All Staff should go to the DoResearch webpage >> for information on how to open an early PTA.

To request an Early PTA, use the SeRA PTA Manager. From the Project Summary Page under Start a Transaction select Early/Extended PTA Request. Once the award is received, the Early PTA becomes the project PTA. There is no need to transfer expenses.

Fellowships vs. Grants

Definition of Sponsored Projects and Distinctions from Other Forms of Funding DoResearch webpage >>

Scroll to the bottom of the above webpage, click on "Documents" to download the Checklist for Determining Whether Funding is a Postdoctoral Fellowship or a Sponsored Project. This checklist can assist in making the determination as to whether funding should be classified as a Fellowship or Scholarship (i.e., student aid) or not.

Master List of Postdoctoral Fellowships
The master list of postdoctoral fellowshis can be downloaded from the RMG Fellowship Office Funding Information section>>.
The master spreadsheet identifies the Institutional representatives for each funding opportunity. Fellowships are processed through the RMG Fellowship Office and mentored career development grants are processed through the Research Process Manager (RPM) in RMG.

Gifts vs. Sponsored Projects

Gift Transmittal informatton FINGATE webpage >>

Cardinal Curriculum Training (register for ORA-1128 via STARS)
Individuals who are involved in the processing of gifts, including those who complete and sign gift transmittal forms, are required to be adequately trained. A  module has been added to Stanford's
DoResearch webpage >>

Openness in Research

Dean of Research website:
Openness in Research Policy Project Checklist Form

Stanford's policy on Openness in Research
expresses Stanford's commitment to openness in research. The policy defines and prohibits secrecy, including limitations on publishability of results. Proposals for work involving secrecy, as defined in this policy, are not permitted and such projects may not be undertaken at Stanford.

PI Eligibility and PI Waiver Exception Types

Please see the separate webpage>> for PI waiver exception type eligibility and request memo instructions and checklists.

Resident-Clinical Fellow Approval Form

This form should be utilized for any grant/ contract/clinical trial in which a resident or clinical fellow is listed in the proposed project.

The form is applicable regardless of whether the resident or clinical fellow is the PI or support staff on the sponsored project.

Note: The Resident-Clinical Fellow Approval Form is NOT used for Fellowship applications. A separate form, Housestaff verification form, is used for fellowship applications only per the procedures on the Fellowship webpage.

Resident-Clinical Fellow Approval Form word
(Rev. 09/24/2013)

FAQs-Resident-Clinical Fellow Approval Form word

SU-18a Form

For non-Stanford employees (i.e., visitors) who come here to engage in research while remaining employed by someone else, there is an alternative agreement, the SU-18A, which provides for joint rights between Stanford and the non-Stanford employer.  These individuals may come to Stanford in the role of a consulting or collaborating researcher, and while they are here, they are not paid by Stanford nor are they enrolled in any category of student.

All faculty, staff, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows are required to sign a Patent and Copyright Agreement (the SU-18 form, signed electronically in Axess) as a condition of either employment or enrollment at Stanford University.

Stanford Patent and Copyright Agreement for Visitors (Non-Stanford employees)

Online SU-18a form (via OTL website)

Decision tree to determine which SU-18 form is appropriate

Research Policy Handbook >>

Subrecipient Audit Forms

The OSR Form 47: Audit Letter sent to Subrecipients, Audit Certification, and Financial Status Questionnaire is used to assist Stanford in meeting its subaward monitoring requirements under the Office of Management and Budget Circular A-133 and under Stanford’s own subreicpient monitoring policy.

In general, subrecipients receiving federal funds through Stanford are sent both forms. Subreicpients receiving funds from non-federal sources are sent just Form 47 to complete and return. The forms have been revised to solicit information from subrecipients’ most recently completed fiscal year, and data that will support Stanford’s reporting obligations under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) and certain IRS requirements.

OSR Form 47: Audit Letter sent to Subrecipients, Audit Certification, and Financial Status Questionnaire
Scroll down to the bottom of this 16.3 Issuance of Subaward DoResearch webpage >>, click on the documents tab to find the OSR Form 47.

Stanford's Form 990

Request for copies of Stanford's "Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax" form are submitted to
University Communications Department more >>



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