Hoover InstitutionOnaylanmış hesap


The Hoover Institution, within Stanford University, is a public policy research center promoting the principles of individual, economic, and political freedom.

Stanford University
Ekim 2009 tarihinde katıldı


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  1. 19 saat önce

    "We’re in the grip of identity politics and political correctness. Radical elements benefit from that and exploit it." on a better way to fight terrorism:

  2. Retweetledi
    22 saat önce

    Kishan Bhatt '17 (expected MPA '21) won a policy proposal contest by at ! His paper explains and proposes solutions for constraints on the supply of medical care in the U.S.

  3. Retweetledi
    21 saat önce
    ve kişiye yanıt olarak

    “Downward trends in productivity growth are widespread across advanced economies, yet the press is full of daily stories of breakthroughs in various fields of science and technology.” Michael Spence unpacks this dilemma in his innovation series foreword:

    , , ve diğer 2 kişi
  4. Retweetledi
    21 saat önce

    Have a listen to a brief conversation on AT&T, Time Warner, and Antitrust :

  5. 21 saat önce

    From the Punic Wars (264–146 b.c.) and the Hundred Years War (1337–1453) to the Arab–Israeli wars (1947–) and the War on Terror (2001–), some wars never seem to end. on why such conflicts continue: via

  6. 21 Kas

    The Hoover Institution Summer Policy Boot Camp 2018 | Application information and details:

  7. Retweetledi
    17 Kas

    Increased budget ≠ increased safety - my thoughts on why spending $1.7 Trillion on new nuclear weapons is irresponsible and threatens national security:

  8. Retweetledi
    20 Kas

    Upcoming podcast: research fellow reflects on his time in the company of , why he thinks Oswald wasn't part of a larger conspiracy.

  9. 20 Kas

    Financial red lights are flashing again, warns: via

  10. 20 Kas

    While the world is abuzz about ’s nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, it is Pyongyang’s conventional capabilities that are not given sufficient attention:

  11. Retweetledi
    20 Kas

    TWET: Great conversation with about innovation and how it changes the world based on his book, Fifty Inventions That Shaped the Modern Economy.

  12. 20 Kas

    Something happened on a day in June 1955 that changed the lives of tens of millions of Soviet citizens: public parks, which were a precious escape from people’s drab urban existence, opened up free of charge.

  13. 19 Kas

    .: As Xi celebrates ’s new global status, he and other leaders in the world should guard against accepting a premature verdict of American decline. via

  14. 18 Kas

    At a time when entitlement spending poses a fiscal challenge unlike any in our nation’s history, John Cogan sits down with Peter Robinson via to provide a comprehensive history of federal entitlement programs:

  15. 18 Kas

    .: It is time to take a hard look at our nuclear arsenal and replace only the weapons we need for today’s threats — and forgo the rest. A dollar spent on nuclear weapons is a dollar taken away from other military needs.

  16. 17 Kas

    "Will we keep trying to continue on this path until we have lost our freedom and turned our lives over to an all-powerful government in Washington, or will we stop?" asked Milton Friedman in 1977. His speech "The Future of Capitalism":

  17. 17 Kas

    Donnelly: In imagining options to change the Kim regime or to eliminate its offensive capabilities—that is, to remove the threats North Korea poses to its neighbors, the East Asian balance of power and, now, the US itself, brutality looks reasonable.

  18. Retweetledi
    17 Kas

    Video of my conversation with Elliott Abrams on his new book "Realism and Democracy"

  19. Retweetledi
    17 Kas
  20. 17 Kas

    .: The fate of Islam will be won (or lost) only if our allies in Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia flourish economically, thereby creating a credible, tangible, accessible alternative to jihadism and Shia theocracy.

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