Mandated Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect

New Legal Requirement

California law requires certain individuals at Stanford to report known or reasonably suspected child abuse or neglect to the authorities. These individuals are known under the law as "Mandated Reporters." This site assists affiliates of Stanford with their role as "Mandated Reporters" for child abuse. All Mandated Reporters must sign an Acknowledgement Form and be provided with copies of the California Penal Code provisions.

Site Contents

This site contains information about:

  • Who should report known or suspected child abuse
  • How and where to make a report, training opportunities
  • FAQ’s
  • Instructions on how to sign the Acknowledgement for Mandatory Reporters
  • Manager and Department communication templates and training


This website may answer questions related to your particular situation. For questions about whether something you know or suspect is reportable, please call the child welfare authorities at 650-493-1186. For questions about the law, the Stanford community can call Christine Boehm, University Counsel in the Office of General Counsel at 650-723-3378. To request a department report including who has signed the Mandated Reporter Acknowledgment, contact Kathy Mertens in University Human Resources at kmertens@stanford.edu.

Individuals at Stanford are encouraged to tell their supervisor and the Stanford Compliance Hotline at 650-721-2667 or via the Helpline Request Form about known or suspected abuse after they call the authorities to make an official report.