Stanford Historical Society Offers Ways to Stay Connected

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June 11, 2015

Historic Stanford building

Since its founding in 1976, the Stanford Historical Society has forged its mission to document, study, publish and preserve the rich history of the university. The group is self-sustaining and relies heavily on the many volunteers—primarily retirees—to voluntarily staff programs and donate to the society’s efforts. Retirees may wish to get involved!

Options to volunteer with the Stanford Historical Society (SHS) include:

  • Oral Histories: Interview faculty, staff, students, alumni and others who have stories to tell, or get involved on the “back end” by transcribing interviews or researching specific historical events. Training is provided; contact historicalsociety@stanford.edu or 650-725-3332.
  • Historic Houses: SHS offers tours of some of the incredibly beautiful and diverse historic homes on the main campus; the 2015 tour was held in April, but some of the books published by the Society about Stanford’s historic homes are available for purchase: http://historicalsociety.stanford.edu/hhouses.shtml.
  • Sandstone & Tile: The publication is mailed three times each year to all members and then posted on the website: http://historicalsociety.stanford.edu/publications.shtml.
  • Regular events: SHS holds lectures and programs featuring Stanford’s history, typically on the main campus; members are able to attend at no cost.

The work of the Society supports the university archives, and items of historical significance are gratefully accepted; e.g., mementos, publications, papers, photographs and other documentation relating to the university’s history or the people who have contributed to Stanford’s excellence.

Of course, monetary donations are also appreciated and accepted at any time! Visit Stanford’s secure “Make a Gift” website to make a financial contribution.

New members can join starting at just $60 per year to support the continuing important work of the Stanford Historical Society. New communication has been developed to reach out to Stanford employees at the time they officially retire to let them know the Stanford Historical Society could use their expertise and efforts. Visit the Stanford Historical Society website.

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