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Homeland Security

Assessment and Evaluation

The Cyber Security Assessment and Evaluation Project ensures that cybersecurity technologies developed both inside and outside of the DHS S&T are assessed and evaluated prior to operational deployment within the Homeland Security Enterprise efforts.

Assessments and evaluations are conducted through technical assessment, modeling, vulnerability and risk analysis and red team evaluations and operational assessments.
This project impacts and influences the entire cybersecurity community, both within the federal government and in the private sector, in identifying and assessing cyber threats and vulnerabilities and assisting in the acquisition, evaluation and deployment of cybersecurity technologies.

Performers in this program area include Sandia National Laboratory Information Design Assurance Red Team (IDART), ITT Exelis – Advanced Information Systems, and the Security Innovation Network (SINET).

Performers execute a technology transition process whereby cybersecurity tools developed under sponsorship by DHS can be acquired, evaluated, and transitioned to end-users, including owners and operators of U.S. critical infrastructures, private sector entities, and federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies. By leveraging cutting edge tools and technologies, end-users have the opportunity to address contemporary cyber threats and enhance their security posture.

This program area also conducts much of CSD’s outreach activities in support of our goal to increase awareness of emerging commercial technologies developed by non-traditional federal R&D suppliers and provide insight of cybersecurity needs and requirements of Federal agencies looking to engage these potential new suppliers. These include the IT Security Entrepreneurs Forum (ITSEF) and SINET showcase, which link technology creators, developers, investors and users in key technology markets around the country. Senior DHS and community leadership have provided keynote talks to recent ITSEF and SINET events.

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