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Andrzej Skrzypacz

Andrzej   Skrzypacz
Professor, Economics
Theodore J. Kreps Professor of Economics
Professor of Economics (by courtesy), School of Humanities and Sciences
Codirector of the Executive Program in Strategy and Organization
Graduate School of Business Trust Faculty Fellow for 2014-2015
Academic Area: 

Research Statement

Andrzej (Andy) Skrzypacz's research is in the area of microeconomic theory. His focus is on the areas of information economics, market design, and dynamic games. His recent papers consider auction design, bargaining theory, repeated games, and collusion in markets.


Andrzej (Andy) Skrzypacz is the Theodore J. Kreps Professor of Economics at the Stanford Graduate School of Business and a Professor, by courtesy at the Department of Economics.

His research is in the field of microeconomic theory, specializing in market design, economic dynamics and collusion.  His current research projects include analysis of auctions, timing of market transactions and dynamic incentives.

Skrzypacz is currently a co-editor of the American Economic Review and an associate editor at the Rand Journal of Economics. He has received a Stanford GSB PhD Distinguished Service Award in 2005 and has advised over a dozen of Ph.D. dissertations.

Skrzypacz earned undergraduate and M.A. degrees in economics from Warsaw School of Economics and his Ph.D. in economics from University of Rochester. In 2012 he has been elected a fellow of the Econometric Society. 

Academic Degrees

  • PhD, University of Rochester, 2000
  • MA, University of Rochester, 2000
  • MA, Warsaw School of Economics, 1997
  • BS, Warsaw School of Economics, 1995

Academic Appointments

  • Lacob Family Faculty Fellow for 2012-2013 and for 2007-2008
  • At Stanford University since 2000
  • Yahoo! Research, Academic Visitor 2011 – 2012

Professional Experience

  • Co-Editor of the American Economic Review since 2011
  • Associate Editor for the American Economic Review. 2006 -2011
  • Associate Editor for the RAND Journal of Economics since 2008
  • Associate Editor for Theoretical Economics. 2009-2011

Awards and Honors

  • PhD Faculty Distinguished Service Award, Stanford University, 2005
  • Fellow of the Econometric Society, 2012


Journal Articles

Qingmin Liu, Andrzej Skrzypacz. Journal of Economic Theory. May 2014, Vol. 151, Pages 2-29.
Ilan Guttman, Ilan Kremer, Andrzej Skrzypacz. American Economic Review. 2014.
William Fuchs, Andrzej Skrzypacz. Journal of Economic Theory. May 2013, Vol. 148, Issue 3, Pages 1226–1236.
Renee Bowen, David M. Kreps, Andrzej Skrzypacz. Quarterly Journal of Economics. January 2013, Vol. 128, Issue 3, Pages 1273-1320.
Andrzej Skrzypacz. International Journal of Industrial Organization. 2013, Vol. 31, Issue 5, Pages 666-675.
William Fuchs, Andrzej Skrzypacz. AEJ: Microeconomics. 2013, Vol. 5, Issue 4, Pages 219-243.
Christopher Phelan, Andrzej Skrzypacz. Review of Economic Studies. 2012, Vol. 79, Issue 4, Pages 1637-1660.
Joseph E. Harrington, Jr., Andrzej Skrzypacz. American Economic Review. October 2011, Vol. 101, Issue 6, Pages 2425–2449.
Peter Cramton, Evan Kwerel, Gregory Rosston, Andrzej Skrzypacz. Journal of Law and Economics. 2011, Vol. 54, Issue 4, Pages 167-188.
William Fuchs, Andrzej Skrzypacz. American Economic Review. June 2010, Vol. 100, Issue 3, Pages 802–836.
Yuliy Sannikov, Andrzej Skrzypacz. Econometrica. May 2010, Vol. 78, Issue 3, Pages 847–882.
Yuliy Sannikov, Andrzej Skrzypacz. American Economic Review. December 2007, Vol. 97, Issue 5, Pages 1794–1823.
Joseph E. Harrington Jr., Andrzej Skrzypacz. RAND Journal of Economics. June 2007, Vol. 38, Issue 2, Pages 314–331.
Ilan Kremer, Andrzej Skrzypacz. Journal of Economic Theory. March 2007, Vol. 133, Issue 1, Pages 58-82.
Matthew Mitchell, Andrzej Skrzypacz. Economic Theory. November 2006, Vol. 29, Issue 3, Pages 621-648.
Peter M. DeMarzo, Ilan Kremer, Andrzej Skrzypacz. The American Economic Review. September 2005, Vol. 95, Issue 4, Pages 936-959.
Jerzy Konieczny, Andrzej Skrzypacz. Journal of Monetary Economics. April 2005, Vol. 52, Issue 3, Pages 621-632.
Yossi Feinberg, Andrzej Skrzypacz. Econometrica. January 2005, Vol. 73, Issue 1, Pages 69-91.
Andrzej Skrzypacz, Hugo Hopenhayn. Journal of Economic Theory. January 2004, Vol. 114, Issue 1, Pages 153-169.

Other Publications

Patrick R. Jordan, Uri Nadav, Kunal Punera, Andrzej Skrzypacz, George Varghese. WWW '12 Proceedings of the 21st international conference on World Wide Web. 2012, Pages 549-558.

Working Papers

Time Horizon and Cooperation in Continuous Time | PDF
Andrzej Skrzypacz, Maria Bigoni, Marco Casari, Giancarlo Spagnolo2013
Not Only What But also When: A Theory of Dynamic Voluntary Disclosure | PDF
Andrzej Skrzypacz, Ilan Guttman, Ilan Kremer2012
Rules With Discretion and Local Information | PDF
Renee Bowen, David M. Kreps, Andrzej Skrzypacz2012
Limited Records and Reputation | PDF
Andrzej Skrzypacz, Qingmin Liu2009
Collusion under Monitoring of Sales | PDF
Andrzej Skrzypacz, Joseph Harrington2005
Network Externalities and Long-Run Market Shares | PDF
Andrzej Skrzypacz, Matthew Mitchell2005
Uncertainty about Uncertainty and Delay in Bargaining | PDF
Yossi Feinberg, Andrzej Skrzypacz2002
Inflation and Price Setting in a Natural Experiment
Andrzej Skrzypacz, Jerzy Konieczny2001
Tacit Collusion in Repeated Auctions | PDF
Andrzej Skrzypacz, Hugo Hopenhayn2001
The Behavior of Price Dispersion in a Natural Experiment | PDF
Andrzej Skrzypacz, Jerzy Konieczny2000

Courses Taught

Degree Courses


This course covers microeconomic concepts relevant to managerial decision making. Topics include: demand and supply analysis; consumer demand theory; production theory; price discrimination; perfect competition; partial equilibrium welfare...

This course covers auction theory, matching, and related parts of the literature on bargaining and pricing. Key papers in the early part of the course are Myerson and Satterthwaite on bargaining, Myerson on optimal auctions, and Milgrom and Weber...


This course covers microeconomic concepts relevant to managerial decision making. Topics include: demand and supply analysis; consumer demand theory; production theory; price discrimination; perfect competition; partial equilibrium welfare...

This course covers auction theory, matching, and related parts of the literature on bargaining and pricing. Key papers in the early part of the course are Myerson and Satterthwaite on bargaining, Myerson on optimal auctions, and Milgrom and Weber...


This course covers microeconomic concepts relevant to managerial decision making. Topics include: demand and supply analysis; consumer demand theory; production theory; price discrimination; perfect competition; partial equilibrium welfare...

Insights by Stanford Business

September 20, 2012
A scholar argues that panicky investor behavior stems, in part, from the heightened reluctance of managers to disclose bad news.

School News

May 1, 2005
Students honored professors Andrzej Skrzypacz and Ron Kasznik, and lecturer Joel Peterson with three outstanding faculty awards.