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Man and woman holding hands and walking | Reuters/Gary Hershorn
June 8, 2015

How Power Couples Balance Work, Life & Family

Four dual-career couples share their secrets for reducing the chaos in their demanding lives.


 A man reads a book outside a cafe in London. | Reuters/Luke MacGregor
June 17, 2015

Seven Business Books for Your Summer Reading List

Top selections from alumni entrepreneurs around the world.


Jesper B. Sørensen | Beth Rimbey
June 4, 2015

Jesper Sørensen: How Do You Define A New Product Category?

A professor of organizational behavior explains why nailing market identity right out of the gate is critical to successfully launching an innovative product.


Vinod Khosla at his View From The Top lecture
May 28, 2015

Vinod Khosla: Be Wary of “Stupid Advice”

A Silicon Valley VC shares his thoughts on persistence, the importance of believing, and when to ignore the spreadsheet.


Students talking together
December 9, 2014

Women Entrepreneurs: “Turn Your Difference into an Advantage”

Stanford lecturer and investor Fern Mandelbaum discusses the climate for women entrepreneurs and the value of creating an inclusive culture.
Tips for advancing your career, negotiating a raise, managing up, meeting the right people, and becoming more successful in the workplace.

Latest Stories in Entrepreneurship

June 17, 2015

Seven Business Books for Your Summer Reading List

Top selections from alumni entrepreneurs around the world.
June 9, 2015

George Foster: Are Startups Really Job Engines?

Entrepreneurship can be personally rewarding and good for the economy, if we wipe the stardust from our eyes.
June 8, 2015

How Power Couples Balance Work, Life & Family

Four dual-career couples share their secrets for reducing the chaos in their demanding lives.
June 4, 2015

Jesper Sørensen: How Do You Define A New Product Category?

A professor of organizational behavior explains why nailing market identity right out of the gate is critical to successfully launching an innovative product.
May 28, 2015

Thomas Harman: “We're in the ‘Help You Create Memories’ Business”

The founder of an artificial Christmas tree company discusses faith, failure, and the importance of understanding deadlines.
May 28, 2015

Vinod Khosla: Be Wary of “Stupid Advice”

A Silicon Valley VC shares his thoughts on persistence, the importance of believing, and when to ignore the spreadsheet.
May 22, 2015

Jesper Sørensen: How to Be a More Strategic Leader

A professor of organizational behavior explains why strategic thinking is key to taking an idea to the next level.
May 18, 2015

Khaled Naim: “You Can’t Do it Alone”

The founder of a logistics software company discusses creativity, the Middle East, and the best path to decision making.
May 14, 2015

Pedro Gardete: Should Competitors Share Information?

Information-sharing can help better predict market ups and downs.
May 13, 2015

Dawoon Kang: “I Want to Make the World a More Loving Place”

The cofounder of an online matchmaking service discusses the value of teamwork, rapid iteration, and perseverance.