Peter Jones

Annenberg Distinguished Visiting Fellow

Peter Jones is an Annenberg Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the Hoover Institution (2011–13) and an associate professor in the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Ottawa.

Before joining the academy in 2007, he spent fourteen years in the Canadian civil service, including seven years as a senior policy adviser in the Privy Council Office (the prime minister’s department), where he worked on national security affairs for the national security adviser to the prime minister. Jones also spent seven years in the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, where he worked on arms control and security affairs. He also spent four years as a project leader at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, where he led the project on Middle East regional security.

At the University of Ottawa, Jones specializes in conflict resolution and track-two diplomacy and leads various dialogues in South Asia and the Middle East. He is published widely in leading journals. Jones holds a PhD in war studies from King’s College, London, and an MA in war studies from the Royal Military College of Canada.

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Recent Commentary

The Middle East: The War That Must Never Be Fought

by Peter Jones, Shlomo Brom, Karim Haggagvia Analysis
Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Middle East is in a constant state of conflict and crisis and, naturally enough, this drives thinking regarding nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction.

Vladimir Putin
Featured Commentary

Europe Will Wake Up, and Putin Can Expect a Harsh Response

by Peter Jonesvia The Globe and Mail
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

To accept what Russia is doing with nothing more than a shrug opens the door to a return of pre-1945 European order that is simply not tenable

Chess pieces
Other Media

Deterrence Workshop Summary Report

by Peter Jonesvia Hoover Daily Report
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A workshop on deterrence in a changing world was held at Hoover on May 16, 2012 to examine the arguments that support the status quo in nuclear deterrence strategies.