Tammy Frisby
Tammy Frisby has been a research fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University since the fall of 2009. She studies American national politics and public policy making and is currently working on a book about the political history of economic theory and tax politics on the American political Right since the 1980s. At Hoover, she heads up survey design and data analysis for the Hoover Golden State Poll, as well as providing election analysis for Hoover's In Perspective coverage during presidential and midterm election cycles. At Stanford, she teaches American national politics and policy making.
Her research has been published in Policy Review, Legislative Studies Quarterly, California Journal of Politics and Policy, and Environmental Science and Technology. Frisby has contributed op-eds to theWall Street Journal, the major Capitol Hill Internet newspaper POLITICO.com, CNN.com, and the Washington Times. Her research has also been featured by The Washington Post's Wonkblog, the UK's The Guardian, and the Wall Street Journal's Washington Wire. She writes regularly for Forbes.com, where she provides analysis and commentary of current US politics and policy making. She is a frequent guest on radio and television as a political analyst.
Frisby holds an MA and PhD in political science from Harvard University's Department of Government. She earned her BA in political science summa cum laude from Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota.
You can follow her on Twitter @tmfrisby.