

Issue 1502

Zero Illegal Immigration?
Main Essay
Main Essay

Immigration Enforcement: Is Zero Illegal Immigration Possible?

by Theresa Cardinal Brownvia Peregrine
Monday, October 26, 2015

As the 2016 presidential campaign kicks into high gear, voters are hearing calls from many candidates to step up immigration enforcement and secure the border. Such calls are not new, and the suggested methods for doing so–border walls, employment verification, and even increased deportations–have been part of the debate over immigration for decades.

New Ideas
American Flags
New Ideas

Immigration Will Make America More Unequal, And That’s A Good Thing

by Scott Sumnervia Peregrine
Monday, October 26, 2015

There is substantial evidence that the immigrants from Asia tend to include a disproportionate number of highly skilled scientists, doctors and engineers.  

New Ideas

Zero Illegal Immigration: A Thought Experiment (With Time Travel)

by Michael A. Clemensvia Peregrine
Friday, October 23, 2015

No one wants more illegal immigration. So isn’t zero illegal immigration a good idea? We could think through problems like this in at least three ways: a moral argument, a national interest argument, and an economic argument.

Survey Results
Syrian Refugees
Survey Results

Immigration Policy: The Survey On The Treatment Of Refugees And Reducing Illegal Immigration

via Peregrine
Monday, October 26, 2015

Albert Einstein immigrated to the United States as a refugee from Nazi Germany. This year, millions of Syrians are seeking refuge in neighboring countries in the Middle East and Europe... but do experts support maintaining and perhaps expanding the traditional American openness to nearly one hundred thousand refugees per year?

Survey Results

Tweets On US Responsibility To The Syrian Refugee Crisis

via Peregrine
Monday, October 26, 2015

The Hoover Institution’s Conte Initiative on Immigration Reform conducts a quarterly survey of leading thinkers. Survey Respondents were asked what they would tweet if asked what the responsibility and proper policy response of the United States should be to the Syrian refugee crisis?  

Survey Results

Letter from the Editor: The Ideal Level of Immigration

by Timothy Kanevia Peregrine
Monday, October 26, 2015

What is the goal of immigration policy? The state of public debate and media coverage would lead you to believe that the United States has a broken immigration system and that the remedy should focus on securing the southern border to achieve zero illegal immigration.

Basic Facts
Basic Facts

Basic Facts: Zero Illegal Immigration

by Tom Churchvia Peregrine
Monday, October 26, 2015

The Pew Research Center estimates that there were about 11.3 million unauthorized immigrants in the United States in 2014, down from a high of 12.2 million in 2007. After falling by about one million after the Great Recession, the number of unauthorized immigrants has stabilized, as net inflows have been close to zero for several years.

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Facts on Immigration

E.g., 9 / 14 / 2017
E.g., 9 / 14 / 2017

Issue 1401

The Right Number of Americans?

Main Essay

by John H. Cochrane Tuesday, June 24, 2014

New Ideas

by Clint Bolick Wednesday, June 25, 2014
by Richard A. Epstein Thursday, June 26, 2014
by Lanhee J. Chen Friday, June 27, 2014
by Beth Ann Bovino Friday, June 27, 2014

Survey Results

by Timothy Kane Monday, June 23, 2014

Basic Facts

by Tom Church Tuesday, June 24, 2014


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Survey Results

Immigration & Security: The Survey On Effective Security Reforms

via Peregrine
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

How does immigration intersect with issues of national security? The most obvious answer is border security, but too often that is the only answer. The state of the conversation among policymakers is lacking.

Survey Results

Tweets On The Intersection Of Immigration Policy And National Security

via Peregrine
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Hoover Institution’s Conte Initiative on Immigration Reform conducts a quarterly survey of leading thinkers. Survey Respondents were asked what they would tweet when placed 'at the intersection of immigration policy and national security, what is the one policy or law that you recommend doing (or undoing)?'

Survey Results

Letter From The Editor

by Timothy Kanevia Peregrine
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The number-one policy most Americans think of in response to illegal immigration is securing the border. It has become a reflexive rallying cry that border security has to come first, before any other policy, to deal with the estimated twelve million immigrants who live in the country.

Basic Facts

Background On The Facts: Immigration & Security

by Tom Churchvia Peregrine
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

One in ten people in the world (700 million) want to emigrate to another country, according to Gallup. One quarter of potential international migrants (165 million people) say the United States is their desired future residence.

New Ideas

Class, Race, And Illegal Immigration

by Victor Davis Hansonvia Peregrine
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The driving forces behind three decades of de facto non-enforcement of federal immigration law were largely the interests of elites across the political spectrum.

New Ideas

Immigration - The President Has Again Tried To Circumvent The Constitutional System Of Lawmaking

by William Sutervia Peregrine
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

President Obama is not the first President to use his executive power aggressively. President Lincoln used an Executive Order in 1861 to suspend the writ of habeas corpus. The Supreme Court held that his action was unconstitutional. President Franklin D. Roosevelt attempted to change the composition of the Supreme Court of the United States in 1937 in order to gain favorable votes for his New Deal legislation.

Main Essay

Defiant, Not Deferred, Action

by Michael McConnellvia Peregrine
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Last November, the Obama Administration announced that it will cease enforcement of the immigration laws with respect to some four million undocumented persons. Instead it will award them legal status and work authorizations. Quite apart from whether this is good policy, it is almost certainly bad law.

New Ideas

The Economic Effect Of Immigration

by Timothy Kanevia Peregrine
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Critics of the president’s executive actions on immigration reform go too far when they claim that immigrants are harmful to the US economy. Simplistic appeals to economic logic, gilded with nativist assumptions, hint that the arrival of millions of immigrant workers cannot help but compete for a finite number of American-based jobs.

Basic Facts

Background on the Facts: Executive Action & Immigration Reform

by Tom Churchvia Peregrine
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

On November 20, 2014, President Obama issued a series of memoranda to the cabinet secretaries responsible for overseeing the nation’s immigration system. The actions were expressly not changes in law, although the president proclaimed he had taken actions affecting naturalization, deferred action, parole-in-place, and border security.

Survey Results

Letter from the Editor

by Timothy Kanevia Peregrine
Thursday, February 5, 2015

Two weeks after the midterm election of 2014, President Obama announced a series of executive actions on immigration policy in a fifteen-minute televised speech from the White House. The centerpiece was announcing “deferred action” for up to five million undocumented immigrant adults, including work permits and drivers’ licenses for those who register.


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Peregrine is an online journal about US immigration policy that provides background facts, surveys, and opinion essays by scholars from a variety of perspectives. Each issue of Peregrine  addresses a different aspect of immigration, looking to educate as well as identify areas of agreement among experts and the public on incremental policy changes. This free publication will be published online and will also be available as a downloadable PDF.

The starting point for Peregrine is an awareness of America’s unique status as a nation of immigrants. From pilgrims to pioneers to huddled masses yearning to breathe free, Americans are a peregrine people. The country’s pathway to citizenship has been open for centuries and even now welcomes more than one million foreigners as permanent, legal residents every year. The United States is also a nation of laws, balancing natural rights with sovereign democracy. To maintain America’s strengths as a nation of immigrants and a democracy of laws, Peregrine provides an arena in which the best reform ideas will be published, discussed, and analyzed.

Peregrine is led by Tim Kane, editor, and Tom Church, managing editor, as part of the Hoover Institution Conte Initiative on Immigration Reform. The journal relies on contributions from the membership of Hoover's Working Group on Immigration Reform, co-chaired by Edward Lazear and Tim Kane.