National Security

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National Security

The Best Defense?
Author: Abraham D. Sofaer

The Stanford Task Force Report on Preventive Force, by Abraham D. Sofaer, offers a practical guide to identifying and considering the issues relevant to preventive uses of force. The report seeks to ensure that such uses of force, if undertaken, will advance national and international security and the purposes of the United Nations Charter. The report examines the legitimacy, dangers, and limitations of preventive force and concludes by encouraging states and decision makers to undertake a systematic appraisal of the merits of any threat or use of preventive force based, not only on legal standards, which have proved an ineffective guide, but also on standards related to legitimacy, such as the consistency of proposed actions with the U.N. Charter and established norms of conduct.

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Communicating with the World of Islam
Editor: A. Ross Johnson   Author: George P. Shultz

Drawing from lessons learned during the cold war broadcasting experience, Communicating with the World of Islam suggests the best ways to organize U.S. efforts to communicate with the Islamic world. It examines the impact the Voice of America, Radio Free Europe, and other broadcasting tools had and suggests how we can use these instruments today to reach Islamic communities around the globe.

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Author: Martin Anderson

This book is no longer available in print form. However, a Google Editions e-book version can be purchased here.

This book is of primary importance to those who will participate in the continuing debate over military conscription in the United States.

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Countering Terrorism
Author: Richard A. Posner

This book is distributed by Rowman & Littlefield, and must be purchased at their site or by calling National Book Network, 1-800-462-6420.

In this third book of a series on intelligence reform, Judge Richard A. Posner evaluates the measures that have been taken in the last two years to implement the Intelligence Reform Act of 2004, which decreed a wholesale reorganization of the intelligence system. Countering Terrorism also addresses broader issues in the struggle against terrorism, such as the failure of criminal law enforcement and the difficulty of devising criteria for allocating counterterrorist funds.

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Cultivating Confidence
Editor: Corey Hinderstein

Ten expert contributors present a blueprint for actions future government leaders will need to guide policy making to reduce nuclear dangers. The authors identify the key technical, political, and diplomatic challenges associated with verifying, monitoring, and enforcing a world free of nuclear weapons and provide potential solutions to those challenges.

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Editors: George P. Shultz, Sidney D. Drell, James E. Goodby

Drawn from the third in a series of conferences the Hoover Institution at Stanford University on the nuclear legacy of the cold war, this report examines the importance of deterrence, from its critical function in the cold war to its current role. Recognizing that today's international environment is radically different from that which it was during the cold war, the need is pressing to reassess the role of nuclear weapons in deterrence in the world of today and to look ahead to the future.

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Eyes on Spies
Author: Amy B. Zegart

Amy Zegart examines the weaknesses of US intelligence oversight and why those deficiencies have persisted, despite the unprecedented importance of intelligence in today's environment. She argues that many of the biggest oversight problems lie with Congress—the institution, not the parties or personalities—showing how Congress has collectively and persistently tied its own hands in overseeing intelligence.

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Fortress USSR
Author: William R. Van Cleave

This book is no longer available in print form. However, a Google Editions e-book version can be purchased here.

Should the United States invest in the research necessary to develop defenses against nuclear attacks on American soil? William R. Van Cleave argues that the reality of Soviet policy makes an American defense response imperative.

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The Future of American Intelligence
Editor: Peter Berkowitz

These essays from a diverse group of distinguished contributors deepen our understanding of the new national security threats posed by terrorism, by the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and by the spread of Islamic extremism. They examine the obstacles to making U.S. intelligence more capable and offer recommendations for effective reform.

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The Gravest Danger
Author: Sidney D. Drell   Editor: James E. Goodby

"To avoid nuclear war and to contain and gradually to diminish the potential for nuclear devastation: these are the most compelling imperatives of our time."

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In the Shadow of Giants
Author: A. James Gregor

The author illustrates that an increased Soviet military presence should weaken U.S. security associations in East Asia by threatening the integrity of the sea-lanes that supply Northeast Asia with necessary raw materials and possibly lead to the eventual domination of the West Pacific by the Soviet Union.

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Issues on My Mind
Author: George P. Shultz

Former Nixon and Reagan cabinet member George Shultz offers his views on how to govern more effectively, get our economy back on track, take advantage of new opportunities in the energy field, combat the use of addictive drugs, apply a strategic overview to diplomacy, and identify necessary steps to achieve a world without nuclear weapons. If we can successfully handle each of these issues, Shultz explains, we in the United States and people in the rest of the world will have the prospect of a better future.

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The New Terror
Edited by: Abraham D. Sofaer   Editor: George D. Wilson   Author: Sidney D. Drell

Leading thinkers answer questions about biological and chemical weapons.

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The Nuclear Enterprise
Editors: Sidney D. Drell, George P. Shultz

A panel of expert contributors offers its views on the risks and rewards of the nuclear enterprise, focusing on issues of safety, regulation, and public perception. Contributors discuss specific experience and issues regarding the technical safety of weapons and power plants, management operations, regulatory measures, and the importance of accurate communication by the media.

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Nuclear Security
By authors: George P. Shultz, Sidney D. Drell, Henry A. Kissinger, Sam Nunn

Drawing from papers presented at the 2013 meeting of the American Nuclear Society, this book examines worldwide efforts to control nuclear weapons and ensure the safety of the nuclear enterprise of weapons and reactors against catastrophic accidents. The contributors, all known for their long-standing interest in getting better control of the threats posed by nuclear weapons and reactors, discuss what we can learn from past successes and failures and attempt to identify the key ingredients for a road ahead that can lead us toward a world free of nuclear weapons.

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