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The Papers of
the Presidents

The American Presidency Project is the only online resource that has consolidated, coded, and organized into a single searchable database:
 • The Messages and Papers of the Presidents: Washington - Taft (1789-1913)
 • The Public Papers of the Presidents:
Hoover to Obama (1929-2012: Book I)
 • The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents: Carter - G.W. Bush (1977-2009)

 • The Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents: Obama-Trump (2009-2017)
• Our archives also contain thousands of other documents such as party platforms, candidates' remarks, Statements of Administration Policy, documents released by the Office of the Press Secretary, and election debates:

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The 25 Most Viewed Documents Since 2008
#1 John F. Kennedy
Inaugural Address
#2 Republican Party Platforms
Republican Party Platform of 1956
#3 Democratic Party Platforms
2008 Democratic Party Platform
#4 Republican Party Platforms
2008 Republican Party Platform
#5 John F. Kennedy
Executive Order 10990 - Reestablishing the Federal Safety Council
#6 Democratic Party Platforms
2012 Democratic Party Platform
#7 Republican Party Platforms
2012 Republican Party Platform
#8 George W. Bush
Address to the Nation on the Terrorist Attacks
#9 Ronald Reagan
Inaugural Address
#10 John F. Kennedy
Executive Order 11110 - Amendment of Executive Order No. 10289 as Amended, Relating to the Performance of Certain Functions Affecting the Department of the Treasury
#11 Franklin D. Roosevelt
Fireside Chat on Banking
#12 Barack Obama
Inaugural Address
#13 Franklin D. Roosevelt
Letter on the Resolution of Federation of Federal Employees Against Strikes in Federal Service
#14 John F. Kennedy
Remarks at a Dinner Honoring Nobel Prize Winners of the Western Hemisphere
#15 Franklin D. Roosevelt
1944 State of the Union Message to Congress
#16 Franklin D. Roosevelt
Inaugural Address
#17 Barack Obama
Executive Order 13603 - National Defense Resources Preparedness
#18 Franklin D. Roosevelt
Executive Order 6102 - Requiring Gold Coin, Gold Bullion and Gold Certificates to Be Delivered to the Government
#19 Republican Party Platforms
Republican Party Platform of 1860
#20 George Bush
Executive Order 12803 - Infrastructure Privatization
#21 Abraham Lincoln
Inaugural Address
#22 George Washington
First Annual Message to Congress on the State of the Union
#23 William J. Clinton
Inaugural Address
#24 Democratic Party Platforms
Democratic Party Platform of 1960
#25 John F. Kennedy
Address of Senator John F. Kennedy Accepting the Democratic Party Nomination for the Presidency of the United States - Memorial Coliseum, Los Angeles

The American Presidency Project (APP), non-profit and non-partisan, is the leading source of presidential documents on the internet. Our archives contain 128,862 documents and are growing rapidly.

The APP, hosted at the University of California, Santa Barbara, has been a collaboration between John T. Woolley (UCSB) and Gerhard Peters (Citrus College) since 1999.
UC Santa Barbara
The American Presidency Project is grateful for the generous support provided by Lena and David G. Adishian,
UCSB Foundation Trustee and Alumnus
and also significant donations from:

     • Marc Hershman
     • Charles Walcott & Karen Hult
     • Marilyn Lee & Harvey Schneider

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Comparing the Pace of President Trump's
Executive Orders & Memoranda to Other Recent Presidents

1. How does President Trump's pace of executive orders within just days of taking office compare to his predecessors? (see graph below)

His written orders include documents titled "Executive Order," Memorandum, and Proclamation.

Trump Executive Orders

2. Is the content or subject matter of Trump's executive orders thus far markedly different than those issued in the early days of previous administrations?

Typically a President's initial orders are intended to immediately make good on campaign promises and commitments. As a result, these include specific acts repudiating the prior administration's policies. In that respect, Trump is very much in the normal stream.

However, often campaign commitments cannot be fulfilled by executive action (e.g., to change taxes, permanently cut spending, increase the size of the military, enact a new system of regulation of financial institutions). An aggressive legislative program would be needed.

Several of President Trump's orders request reports or analysis from agencies that presumably will later be reflected in legislation. Arguably President Trump is talking a very expansive view of the discretion available to him; certainly he takes a very strong rhetorical stance.

3. Does this White House's roll out seem different, especially with respect to border security and entry of foreigners? . . .
Abraham Lincoln Today in History
153  years  ago
Abraham Lincoln
Executive Order
December 7, 1863
Reliable information being received that the insurgent force is retreating from east Tennessee under circumstances rendering it probable that the Union forces can not hereafter be dislodged from that important position, and exteeming this to be of high national consequence, I recommend that all loyal people do, on receipt of this information, assemble at their places of worship and render special homage and gratitude to Almighty God for this great advancement of the national cause.

A. LINCOLN. ...read full document

Election Resources
The Document Archive Contains 128,862 Records
• Executive Orders 5872 • State of the Union Addresses 96
• Proclamations 7949   • State of the Union Messages 138
• Press Conferences 2093   • Inaugural Addresses 58
• Saturday Radio Addresses 1625   • Addresses to Congress (non-SOU) 80
• Fireside Chats (FDR) 27   • Addresses to Nation 252
• Veto Messages 1169   • Addresses to the United Nations 49
• Radio & TV Correspondents Dinners 31   • Addresses to Foreign Legislatures 75
• Party Convention Addresses 33   • College Commencement Addresses 162

 Option 1: Search
   INCLUDE documents from the Office of the Press Secretary
INCLUDE election campaign documents, vice presidential documents,
first lady, and other executive branch officals

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  (PPPUS numbered only from 1929-1977)
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Proclamation #    

 Option 3: Browse
     INCLUDE documents from the Office of the Press Secretary
INCLUDE election campaign documents, vice presidential documents,
first lady, and other executive branch officals

© 1999-2018 - Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley - The American Presidency Project ™
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