Piracy off the Coast of Somalia and the Response By the United States and International Community

Description: Map of Somalia. State Dept Image"We may be dealing with a 17th Century crime, but we need to bring 21st Century solutions to bear." -- U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, April 17, 2009.

Threat to Maritime Commerce, Humanitarian Assistance, Disaster Relief, and Regional Security and Development.
Pirate attacks off the Horn of Africa represent a serious threat to a range of American and international interests. Learn more.

United States Response.
Description: A U.S. Navy boarding team carefully approaches a suspected pirate vessel. Photo courtesy of U.S. NavyThe United States Government's coordinated inter-agency efforts are consistent with our traditional interest in ensuring freedom of navigation, safety of mariners, and protection of American citizens. Learn more.

International Response.
Logo: Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia. State Dept ImageOn January 14, 2009, a community of like-minded nations and international organizations convened in New York to launch a coordinated effort to halt pirate attacks that emanated from Somali waters. This initiative was called the Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia. This website serves as a repository for the Contact Group’s communiqués and other significant announcements.

The diplomatic, official coordination, and information-sharing efforts of the Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia, are complemented by these international counter-piracy forces, which provide naval and aerial forces to protect shipping that transits this region:

The United States commends the willingness of Kenya to prosecute suspected pirates.