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Find the College That's Right for You . . . 

Choosing to go to college is one of the most important decisions you will make in your lifetime.  Selecting the college that best fits your intellectual, professional, and extracurricular interests; values and personality; and financial circumstances is crucial to academic success.

More than ever, as tuition costs continue to grow, families are focused on getting the best value for their dollar.  The first step is finding the right information to make the right college choice.

U-CAN features the key information, updated for 2015, students and families say is important to choosing the right college.  Explore the profiles of hundreds of private, nonprofit colleges and universities:  

(Note:  This map, is provided free of charge by BatchGeo, a service not affiliated with U-CAN.)

Visit U-CAN's Planning to Go to College page for links to resources on where to start your search, exploring colleges, and how to pay for college. 

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