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Big Think Mentor

Big Think Mentor

Big Think Mentor connects world-class mentors like Neil deGrasse Tyson, Maria Konnikova, and Tim Ferriss with a global community of smart, driven users to teach the habits of mind and people skills we all need to live happier, healthier, more productive lives.

Subscribed users get instant access to the specific skills you need to learn right now, easily searchable by the problem you're trying to solve, the goal you're trying to achieve, or the area of life in which you need help.

Faster, more efficient learning than from self-help books, offline classes, or moocs that are organized on a traditional, semester basis.

Founding membership in an exclusive club of smart, driven people across a wide range of interests and professions. Show less
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The Science of Not Trying: Mastering Wu-Wei Play

In this 5-part Big Think Mentor workshop Edward Slingerland teaches you how to apply the ancient Chinese concept of Wu-Wei to your everyday life. Following the teachings of four philosophers (Confucius, Laozi, Menciusm and Zhuangzi) you will learn strategies for attaining the seemingly paradoxical state of "effortless action." In other words, you will learn how to cultivate your inner spontaneity - how to try not to try. Slingerland is an expert in Chinese thought, comparative religion, and cognitive science. This workshop is an introduction / accompaniment to his latest book "Trying Not to Try: The Art and Science of Spontaneity" (http://goo.gl/p59V7N).

How To Make Better Decisions, with Julia Galef Play

In this 5-part Big Think Mentor workshop (http://goo.gl/k2wL0n) Julia Galef, President of the Center for Applied Rationality, teaches how to better understand some of the most common cognitive biases and fallacies - and ultimately make better decisions.

You will learn how to think clearer about:

-- The Sunk Costs Fallacy
-- Rhetorical Fallacies
-- Explanation Freeze
-- The Planning Fallacy
-- Bayes' Rule

How to Think Like a Philosopher, with Daniel Dennett Play

Daniel Dennett, one of the best-known living philosophers and a professor at Tufts University, feels it's time to unmask the philosopher's art and make thought experimentation accessible to a wider audience. How to Think Like a Philosopher, Dennett's six part video workshop for Big Think Mentor, is a journey into the labyrinth of mind games Dennett and his colleagues, past and present, like to play.

For the more utilitarian-minded, these are mental practices that, over time, will improve your ability to focus and think both rationally and creatively.

How to Think Like a Philosopher takes you on a guided tour through many of Dennett's favorite "tools for thinking." Along the way, he teaches you:

- The value of "intuition pumps" and how to use them.
- How to spot the weaknesses in an argument
- How to recognize common rhetorical tricks for manufacturing consent.
- Why free will doesn't always imply unpredictability.
- How to "twiddle the knobs" of thought, exploring alternatives and the conclusions they lead to.

How to Drive Your Enemies Crazy Play

In this 7-part Big Think Mentor workshop renowned Buddhist scholars and practitioners, Tenzin Robert Thurman and Sharon Salzberg, teach you how to manage both inner and outer enemies by way of love. The workshop is an introduction / accompaniment to their latest book, "Love Your Enemies: How to Break the Anger Habit and Be a Whole Lot Happier" (http://goo.gl/W46GHB).

In this workshop you will learn how to address...

-- The Outer Enemy: The people and institutions that harass, disturb or harm us in some way, as well as situations that frustrate us.

-- The Inner Enemy: Anger, hatred, fear, and other destructive impulses.

-- The Secret Enemy: Self-obsession and self-preoccupation, which isolate us from other people, leaving us frustrated and alone.

-- The Super-Secret Enemy: Deap-seated self-loathing that keeps us from finding inner freedom and true happiness.

There are additional lessons on...

-- Mindfulness technique, via guided meditation by Sharon Salzberg.

-- The four Brahmaviharas

Directed / Produced by Jonathan Fowler and Dillon Fitton

How to Find Your Element, with Sir Ken Robinson Play

In How to Find Your Element, his 7-session workshop for Big Think Mentor (http://goo.gl/06gYu), creativity expert Sir Ken Robinson tackles the epidemic of dissatisfaction with work and life. He offers practical exercises and tips for discovering your "element" -- the environment and set of activities that will activate your unique abilities, sustain your happiness, and enable you to live your best possible life.

In this workshop, you'll learn to:

- Understand the concept and the value of "finding your element"

- Recognize the perils and promise of the two-fold (internal and external) path to finding your element.

- Discover your unique talents

- Identify your passions (which may differ from your talents)

- Take steps to ensure that your attitude and beliefs are steering you toward (rather than away from) your element.

Spontaneous Happiness, with Dr. Andrew Weill Play

In Spontaneous Happiness, his five-part workshop for Big Think Mentor, Weil teaches a program designed to protect and enhance emotional well-being through specific lifestyle changes. You'll learn to:

- Take a holistic and realistic approach to unlocking "spontaneous happiness."
- Integrate Eastern and Western approaches to positive psychology.
- Use specific breathing exercises and meditations designed to develop mindfulness
- Optimize your diet to support emotional well-being
- Build physical habits that support emotional well-being

How to Hack Your Life, with Tim Ferriss Play

With his book "The Four Hour Work Week", Tim Ferriss taught a global audience how to automate mindless and repetitive tasks, and free up more time to realize their dreams. In this Big Think Mentor workshop he teaches "metalearning" -- an approach to learning anything, from ballroom dancing to how to speak Swahili, quickly and efficiently. Drawing upon his book The Four Hour Chef, his popular blog, and his extraordinary experience of putting what he preaches into practice, Ferriss also shares methods for designing your ideal life, making your small business a global phenomenon, and using fear to identify and overcome your biggest obstacles.

Masterclass Play

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