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CAP Network combines a profile directory for Stanford University with the technology of Salesforce Chatter, a leading social-networking platform designed for the business context.


CAP Network is a virtual workspace for Stanford University.

The Community Academic Profile (CAP) directory features rich profiles for over 18,000 faculty, students, postdocs, and staff. The profiles are available through both a public and a Stanford-only view. Invited CAP members from outside the participating organizations have abridged profiles visible only to the Stanford community.

A secure collaboration backend — available exclusively to CAP Network members — extends the functionality of this profile directory to support features common to today’s popular social-networking platforms. These include the ability to:

  • post status updates
  • invite Stanford colleagues into the network
  • follow individuals, and comment on their posts
  • share documents, images and URLs
  • create private groups for team collaboration

Who gets a profile?

CAP automatically generates a full profile for the following members of the participating organizations: any person with a faculty appointment (including secondary, joint, courtesy, and active emeritus appointments), researchers with PI status, postdoctoral scholars, graduate students, and all staff members. Residents and clinical professors currently do not have CAP profiles.

Invited CAP members receive an abridged profile containing contact information. Only Stanford faculty, staff and graduate students are eligible for invite membership at this time.

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