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Who We Are & What We Do

QUEST Organizers

Contact us with any questions or ideas you might have for QUEST, or contact us to join the team!

Ryan Tamares

Marlys LeSene


Darsi Rueda


Ryan Tamares


QUEST Mission

Foster a diverse, LGBT-affirming community of staff and faculty at Stanford through advocacy initiatives, community programming, and meaningful collaborations with student groups, on-campus organizations, and off-campus organizations.

QUEST is a network of Stanford LGBT staff and faculty. We work to foster and support a diverse LGBT campus community, addressing social issues as well as assisting the University with individual, group, and political concerns of LGBT staff and faculty.

Through our programs, QUEST hopes to:

  • support Stanford in its effort to become a model institution on LGBT issues
  • provide opportunities to connect to Stanford and to each other,
  • network and have fun

Membership is open to all LGBT Stanford faculty and staff and their friends, partners and allies. QUEST is closely allied with two other campus LGBT organizations: the LGBT CRC (students) and Stanford Pride (LGBTQQI alumni/ae). In addtion, QUEST co-sponsors events with fellow Stanford staff groups, forming partnerships across the broader Stanford community.

Become an Organizer!

QUEST is always looking for ideas for events and programs. Organizing is easy, a great way to get to know the awesome people who make up the LGBT community here at Stanford, and a way to share your particular talents and intrests to our community. To get started, contact a current QUEST orananizer with your idea / event and we'll be happy to help you get involved.


Last modified Wednesday, 14-Jan-2015 20:31:22 PST