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Weeding Your Way to Wellness

Date and Time: 
June 30, 2015 - 7:00am to 7:50am

Register for this weekly summer class using the More Information link or go to:

Course Fee: $0

Class code: weeds-01

O'Donohue Family Stanford Educational Farm
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 
650 721-6003
Event Sponsor: 
School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences, Health Improvement Program

Enjoy a warm cup of tea, freshly brewed from herbs harvested that morning from Stanford’s brand new “farm”. While enjoying your tea, your instructor will illuminate the benefits of the mind-body practices you will experience in each class, including the health promoting benefits of interacting with nature. You will learn interesting facts about weeds and how to identify them. After tea, gentle stretching will begin the mind-body practice portion of class. Stretching will flow right into the focused hands-on meditative practice of creating order and balance in the garden, and in one’s thoughts, while working in the earth removing weeds in the beds of the Stanford farm. Register and join us anytime throughout the summer. 

Promote your well-being this summer by unwinding your mind and moving your body while sharing in the awesome beauty of the new O’Donohue Family Stanford Educational Farm! 

Instructors: O’Donohue Family Stanford Educational Farm staff and HIP staff.