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Choose a Mobile Device Service Plan

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Verizon customers: Verizon charges customers one month in advance for all services. For new lines of service, your first month's bill will be higher than future bills due to Verizon including both current and next month's charges.

A variety of service plans are available through the IT Services Mobile Device Program. Use this table to choose a plan for your cell phone, tablet, or data connect card. When you have chosen a device and service plan, place your order.

Cell Phone plans

Service Plan Domestic/International Monthly Price
A T & T
Voice Cardinal Voice for AT&T - Unlimited Minutes Domestic $31.99
Text Unlimited Messaging Domestic $20.00
Data 3 GB Data Domestic $36.00
Data 5 GB Data Domestic $40.00
Data 5 GB Combined (Data + Tethering) Domestic $52.00
Voice Business Global Traveler
(calls from other countries to US)*
International $5.99
Voice World Connect Value
(calls from US to other countries)
International $5.99
Voice / Text / Data Passport
Talk $1.00/min, Unlimited Outgoing Messages, 120 MB Data, Free WiFi where available
International $30.00
Voice / Text / Data Passport Plus
Talk $0.50/min, Unlimited Outgoing Messages, 300 MB Data, Free WiFi where available
International $60.00
Voice / Text / Data Passport Pro
Talk $0.35/min, Unlimited Outgoing Messages, 800 MB Data, Free WiFi where available
International $120.00
Voice 50 Voice Minutes
Cruise Ship (selected lines)
Voice / Text 50 Voice Minutes, 100 Outgoing Messages International
Cruise Ship (selected lines)
Voice / Text / Data 50 Voice Minutes, 100 Outgoing Messages, 100 MB Data International
Cruise Ship (selected lines)
S p r i n t
Voice Cardinal Voice for Sprint - Unlimited Minutes Domestic $30.70
Text Unlimited Messages (non-smartphones) Domestic $6.50
Text Unlimited Messages (smartphones) Domestic $0.00
Data Unlimited Data (required for all smartphones) Domestic $32.80
Voice Worldwide Voice Add-on International $4.99
Data 55 MB Data - Mexico & Canada International $30.00
Data 175 MB Data - Mexico & Canada International $75.00
Data 325 MB Data - Mexico & Canada International $125.00
Data 40 MB Data - Multi-Country International $40.00
Data 85 MB Data - Multi-Country International $80.00
V e r i z o n
Voice Cardinal Voice for Verizon - Unlimited Minutes Domestic $33.49
Text Unlimited Messages Domestic $20.00
Data 5 GB Data (required for all smartphones) Domestic $29.99
Data 7 GB Combined (Data + Tethering) Domestic $56.00
Data 12 GB Combined (Data + Tethering) Domestic $80.00
Voice International Long Distance Value Plan (calls from US to other countries) International $3.99
Voice/ Text/ Data 100 Min, 100 Text Messages, 100 MB Data Mexico & Canada International $15.00
Voice/ Text/ Data 250 Min, 250 Text Messages, 250 MB Data Mexico & Canada International $24.00
Data 100MB Data Only Mexico & Canada International $10.00
Voice/ Text/ Data 100 Min, 100 Text Messages, 100 MB Data, selected countries International $38.00
Voice/ Text/ Data 250 Min, 250 Text Messages, 250 MB Data, selected countries International $68.00
Data 100 MB Data ( if tethering/hotspot feature on device usage come from same allotment) International $20.00
Data 250 MB Data ( if tethering/hotspot feature on device usage come from same allotment) International $68.00

* Discounted rates for more than 150 countries. Per-minute charges based on other country's rate plan. Per-country voice minute plans could be less expensive.

Tablet plans

Service Plan Domestic/International Monthly Price
A T & T
Data 3 GB Data Domestic $28.00
Data 5 GB Data Domestic $40.00
Data 120 MB Data w/WiFi International $30.00
Data 300 MB Data w/WiFi International $60.00
Data 800 MB Data w/WiFi International $120.00
S p r i n t
Data 5 GB Data (3G Tablets) Domestic $37.99
Data Unlimited Data (4G/LTE Tablets) Domestic $37.99
V e r i z o n
Data 5 GB Data Domestic $40.00
Data 10 GB Data Domestic $64.00
Data 100 MB Data International $20.00

Data Connect Card plans

Service Plan Domestic/International Monthly Price
A T & T
Data 5 GB Data Domestic $40.00
Data 120 MB Data International $30.00
Data 300 MB Data International $60.00
Data 800 MB Data International $120.00
S p r i n t
Data Unlimited Data (Mobile Hotspot) Domestic $42.99
Data Unlimited Data (USB Connect Card) Domestic $42.99
V e r i z o n
Data 5 GB Data Domestic $40.00
Data 10 GB Data Domestic $64.00
Data 100 MB Data International $20.00
Last modified April 23, 2015