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Activating VA Educational Benefits at Stanford

Required Documents

To activate your VA Educational Benefits, the Office for Military-Affiliated Communities must receive the following required documents.

Certificate of Eligibility

After your application for VA benefits has been approved and processed, a Certificate of Eligibility letter will be issued to you by the VA. Submit a copy of the Certificate of Eligibility letter. The VA Certifying Official will send email notification confirming receipt of documentation submitted. It is the student's responsibility to submit a copy of the Certificate of Eligibility.

Veterans' Benefits—Statement of Rights and Responsibilities

Submit the Stanford University Veterans Benefits—Statement of Rights and Responsibilities form. This form will be maintained in your VA student file.

DD-214 (if applicable)

Submit a copy of your discharge paperwork if applicable.

Any Official Transcripts from Other Institutions That Contain Transferable Work

Submit official transcripts showing the results of all work completed from all post-secondary institutions attended. To maintain compliance with federal regulations concerning credit for previous training (38 CFR 21.4253), Stanford University is required to evaluate all previous education and training completed elsewhere to determine what credit, if any, should be granted to students eligible to receive Veterans Administration (VA) educational benefits. The prior credit evaluation occurs each time a student's degree program is changed. All relevant policies regarding transfer credit apply with the following exception: VA students in master's programs are allowed a maximum of 6 transfer (quarter) units.

Submit in person to:
Office for Military-Affiliated Communities
Student Services Center
Tresidder Memorial Union, 2nd Floor

Mail or fax to:
Office for Military-Affiliated Communities
Student Services Center
459 Lagunita Drive, Suite 7
Tresidder Memorial Union, 2nd floor
Stanford, CA 94305
Fax: 650-721-1585