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State of the Union
From the staff of CNN's State of the Union with . Watch Sundays at 9a & 12p ET on .
State of the Union 14h
In this week's reality check, and examine if Jeff Sessions lied to Congress
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Edward M. Davis Mar 3
Fact Check - Did Attorney General Jeff Sessions 'lie' to Congress? The latest from and
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State of the Union Mar 3
Tune in at 9am this Sunday on for 's exclusive interview with
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State of the Union Mar 2
Join us on this Sunday for 's interview with Democratic House Leader only on
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State of the Union Mar 2
Make sure to tune in Sunday to for 's interview with Sen.
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Edward M. Davis Mar 1
NEWS IN -- >> Sen. Lindsey Graham says: "Jeff Sessions - who is my dear friend - cannot make this decision about Trump."
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State of the Union Mar 1
Make sure to tune into at 9pm ET tonight for a live town hall with and Sen. hosted by
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State of the Union Feb 26
. on recent Trump controversy: ‘devil is in the details’
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State of the Union Feb 26
On tells that he will not give his email list to DNC
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State of the Union Feb 26
The master of town halls gives advice for GOP members afraid to face their constituents
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State of the Union Feb 26
On w/ says that Dems need a ‘total transformation’
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State of the Union Feb 26
.: Trump likes a fight. It energizes him
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State of the Union Feb 26
. asks about WH Chief of Staff Preibus reaching out the FBI about CNN reporting
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State of the Union Feb 26
On tells : the DNC race not ‘rigged’
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State of the Union Feb 26
. tells on he trusts the Justice Dept to investigate possible Trump ties to Russia
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State of the Union Feb 26
. responds to President Trump's Sunday morning tweet calling the DNC Chair race "rigged" on
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State of the Union Feb 26
. tells how he plans to woo back Trump voters to the Democratic Party on
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State of the Union Feb 26
. asks the panel to weigh in on Rep. Darrell Issa calling for a special prosecutor
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State of the Union Feb 26
. talks with about the DNC Chair election and the future of the dem party on
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State of the Union Feb 26
New Jersey sits down with for an exclusive interview only on
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