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Document Library​ (Contains original proposals - restricted access)

T-number Proposal Title Principal Investigator Institution Contact Facility Link to Experiment Page
E-163 Dielectric Laser Acceleration Program R J England SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory Joel England NLCTA SLAC E163 Page
E-200 Multi-GeV Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiments  Chan Joshi, Mark Hogan, Patric Muggli UCLA, SLAC, MPI Mark Hogan FACET PWFA
E-201 Wakefield Acceleration in Dielectric Structures ​J. Rosenzweig, G. Tavish, M. Hogan, P. Muggli UCLA-SLAC-USC Gerard Andonian FACET DWA
E-202 Ultrafast processes in Magnetic Materials Hermann Durr SLAC Ioan Tudusa FACET E202
E-203 Determination of the time profile of 50 fs long bunches by means of coherent Smith-Purcell radiation Ivan Konoplev Oxford University Ivan Konoplev FACET E203
E-204 Proposal for testing of metallic structures periodic structures at FACET V. Dolgashev SLAC V. Dolgashev FACET
E-205 High Gradient Dielectric Wakefield Measurement at FACET  A. Kanareykin  Euclid Techlabs LLC A. Kanareykin FACET
E-206 Characterizing Terahertz Radiation from the FACET Beam Alan Fisher SLAC Alan Fisher FACET
E-207 High-Gradient THz-scale Two-Channel Coaxial Dielectric Wake Field Accelerator Experiment  S. Shchelkunov Yale FACET
E-208   ​Direct measurements of the transverse long-range wake-fields of CLIC main linac accelerating structures  Alexej Grudiev  CERN Alexej Grudiev FACET
E-209 Study of the Self-Modulation of Long Lepton Bunches in Dense Plasmas and its Application to Advanced Acceleration Techniques ​J. Vieira, P. Muggli, M. Hogan UTL, MPI, SLAC Jorge Vieira FACET External Site
E-210 Trojan Horse Plasma Wakefield Acceleration J. Rosenzweig, B. Hidding UCLA FACET
E-211 Experimental verification of the effectiveness of linear collider final-focus feedbacks and alignment algorithms Andrea Latina CERN Andrea Latina FACET
E-212 Radiation from GeV electrons in diamond with intensities approaching the amplified radiation regime U. Uggerhøj DPAAU FACET E-212 Experiment Page (restricted access)
E-213 Temporal Limits of Electron-Phonon Interaction  I-Wei Chen University of Pennsylvania I-Wei Chen FACET
E-214 Monochromatic 10 MeV Gammas by a Miniature Undulator  Michael Di Rosa LANL Michael Di Rosa FACET
E-215 ​High-quality witness bunch generation and acceleration  Jens Osterhoff  DESY Jens Osterhoff FACET
E-216 Single Shot Femtosecond Beam Pulse Length Measurements  Ralph Fiorito University of Maryland Ralph Fiorito FACET
E-217 Ionization and down-ramp injection proposal by the E200 team  Chan Joshi UCLA Chan Joshi FACET
E-218 ​Single-Shot Imaging of THz-Induced Switching in IT Materials  Matthias Hoffmann SLAC Matthias Hoffmen FACET
E-219 PHASER - Biological effectiveness of very high-energy electron radiation therapy – implications for a novel radiation treatment system for cancer Billy W. Loo Stanford University NLCTA
E-220 Advanced IFEL bunching experiments at NLCTA P. Musumeci UCLA NLCTA
E-221 High Gain X-band Active SLED-II Pulse Compression Experiment Jay Hirshfield Yale NLCTA
E-222 Development of Electron Radiography for Material Science Dr. Frank E. Merrill Los Alamos National Laboratory ESTB
E-223 Suppression of Spontaneous Undulator Radiation at NLCTA Daniel Ratner SLAC NLCTA
E-224 Visualization of electron-driven plasma wakefield accelerators​ Mike Downer UT Austin Michael Downer FACET
E-225 Hollow Channel Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Mark Hogan SLAC Spencer Gessner FACET
E-226 Energy-Chirp Compensation of Electron Beams in a Plasma Violetta Wacker DESY FACET
E-227 Single-Shot Emittance and Beam Parameter Measurements Mark Hogan SLAC Mark Hogan FACET
E-228 Terahertz-driven structural dynamics in ferroelectric nanolayers Aaron Lindenberg SLAC FACET
T-500 Characterizing Terahertz Radiation from the FACET Beam Alan Fisher SLAC Alan Fisher FACET
T-503 North Damping Ring Measurements Alan Fisher SLAC Alan Fisher FACET
T-504 Hollow Channel PWFA With Electrons Mark Hogan SLAC Spencer Gessner FACET
T-505 Tests of 3D silicon pixel sensors for ATLAS Upgrades Philippe Grenier SLAC ESTB
T-506 Electromagnetic Shower Damage to Silicon Diode Sensor Bruce Schumm Santa Cruz ESTB
T-507 Test of a RICH-Prototype Based on CsI-GEMs Thomas K Hemmick Stony Brook University ESTB
T-508 HERA-B ECal modules beam test in ESTB at SLAC  Edward Brash Christopher Newport University ESTB
T-509 Measurement of neutron flux from the beam dump J. Va’vra SLAC ESTB
T-510 Geosynchrotron radio emission from extensive air showers Konstantin Belov UCLA ESTB
T-511 Silicon-Tungsten Electromaqnetic Calorimeter Raymond Frey University of Oregon ESTB
T-512 Tests of a small PbF2 Crystal Array for the g-2 Experiment David Hertzog Univ. of Washington ESTB
T-513 Channeling and Volume-Reflection Studies of High-Energy Electrons in Crystals H.-Ulrich (Uli) Wienands SLAC ESTB T-513 Experiment Page (restricted access)
T-514 Localized Radiation Damage to Silicon Microstrip Sensors for HPS Per Hansson SLAC ESTB
T-516 ESTB Proposal for the ATLAS Inner Tracker (ITK) Upgrade Philippe Grenier SLAC Philippe Grenier ESTB
T-517 The PHENIX MPX-EX Calorimeter Thomas K. Hemmick Stony Brook University Thomas K. Hemmick ESTB
T-518 Production Belle II iTOP module verification Gary Varner University of Hawaii Gary Varner ESTB
T-519 Tests of a 25-Element PbF2 Array for the g-2 Experiment David W Hertzog University of Washington ESTB
T-520 Delta Magnet adhesive radiation damage test Clive Field SLAC Cilve Field ESTB
T-521 ATLAS Inner Tracker (ITK)/Fast Cluster Finder block of ABCN130 ASIC Andrew Blue/Carl Haber Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Univ Glasgow Sergio Diez Cornell ESTB
T-522 CERN x-band accelerator structures Walter Wuensch CERN Walter Wuensch ASTA
T-523 Channeling and Volume-Reflection Radiation Studies with  High-Energy Electrons in Crystals H.-Ulrich (Uli) Wienands SLAC Uli Wienands ESTB
T-524 STAR Forward Calorimeter System (FCS) Jon Engelage University of California – Space Sciences Laboratory Jon Engelage ESTB
T-525 Studies of cluster size in ATLAS IBL pixel modules at very small incidence angles A. Pranko, M. Garcia-Sciveres LBNL A. Pranko ESTB
T-526 Gas phase UED Markus Guehr, Martin Centurion SLAC, University of Nebraska Lincoln Markus Guehr ASTA
T-527 Ultrafast structural dynamics in two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides Aaron Lindenberg SLAC Aaron Lindenberg ASTA
T-528 Nanoscale phonons in freestanding Si membranes Mariano Trigo SLAC Mariano Trigo ASTA
T-529 Radiation Testing of LCLS-II Kicker Electronics Tony Beukers Beam Time Request Template Tony Beukers ESTB
T-530 Askaryan Calorimeter Experiment (ACE): Microwave Cherenkov Calorimeters for Ultra-High Intensity Beams Peter Gorham University of Hawaii at Manoa Peter Gorham ESTB
T-531 Parallel Coupled Standing Wave Structure Sami Tantawi, Valery Dolgashev SLAC Valery Dolgashev ASTA
T-532 Molecular control at UED and LCLS to weave structure together with spectroscopy Ryan Coffee SLAC Ryan Coffee ASTA
T-533 Macromolecular Crystallography at the ASTA UED beam Thomas Lane SLAC Thomas Lane ASTA
T-534 Commissioning, characterization and improvement of the Carleton University Silicon Telescope Carsten Hast SLAC Carsten Hast ESTB
T-535 Proposal bi 2212 Tatiana Konstantinova Stony Brook University Tatiana Konstantinova ASTA
T-536 Tests of a the final PbF2 Calorimeter and Straw Tracker detector systems for the Muon g-2 Experiment David Hertzog University of Washington David Hertzog ESTB
T-537 Radiation testing of pyroelectric detector with preamp for LCLS-II BLEN system  Leonid Sapozhnikov SLAC Leonid Sapozhnikov ESTB
T-538 Nano-modulated electron beams for coherent x-ray generation Emilio Nanni SLAC Emilio Nanni ASTA
T-539 SLAC ATLAS Silicon Tracking Development Su Dong SLAC Su Dong ESTB
T-540 3D Position Reconstruction via Depth-Dependent Diffusion (ePix) Chris Kenney SLAC Chris Kenney ESTB
T-541 Testing Beam-Loss Detectors for LCLS-2 Alan Fisher SLAC Alan Fisher ESTB
T-542 sFlash Pierre Sokolsky University of Utah Pierre Sokolsky ESTB
T-543 Time-resolved study of melting phenomenon in atomically thin 2D layers Uwe Bergmann SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory ASTA
T-544 SPHINX Collimator characterization Billy Loo Stanford University Billy Loo NLCTA
T-545 LBNL Pixel Devices Maurice Garcia-Sciveres LBNL Maurice Garcia-Sciveres ESTB
T-546 DRIFT-BDX beam dump + shielding neutron measurement Daniel Snowden-Ifft Occidental College Daniel Snowden-Ifft ESTB
T-547 Probing non-equilibrium phonons in femtosecond laser excited random solid solutions using ultrafast electron diffraction Xijie Wang, Mingwei Chen SLAC & SJTU, China, LLNL Qiang Zheng ASTA
T-548 Paraffin damage studies Xiaozhe Shen ASTA
T-549 Diffuse scattering in gold Hermann Durr SLAC ASTA
T-550 Perovskite Aaron Lindenberg SLAC ASTA
T-551 TaS2 Hermann Durr SLAC ASTA
T-552 2-D material Aaron Lindenberg SLAC ASTA
T-553 FePt Alex Reid SLAC ASTA
T-554 Gas phase UED Jie Yang, Martin Centurion, James Cryan, Thomas Wolf, Markus Gühr, Mike Minitti, Xijie Wang University of Nebraska Lincoln, Potsdam University Markus Gühr ASTA
T-555 Melting study of tungsten with ultrafast electron diffraction Mianzhen Mo, Zhijiang Chen and Siegfried Glenzer SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory Mianzhen Mo ASTA
T-556 Structural dynamic study of warm dense Au with MeV-UED Mianzhen Mo, Zhijiang Chen and Siegfried Glenzer SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory Mianzhen Mo ASTA
T-557 Structure dynamics of high-Tc Prof. Nuh Gedik  MIT Prof. Nuh Gedik ASTA
T-558 Lattice dynamics across the Mott transition in nanosheet-supported VO2 thin films Hermann Durr SLAC Hermann Durr ASTA
T-559 Solving the electrons-spins-phonons interplay in the Invar Problem Alex Reid SLAC ASTA
T-560 Probing electron-phonon coupling in charge-density-wave in TaSe2−xTex using ultrafast electron diffraction Jing Tao BNL Jing Tao ASTA
T-561 Energy relaxation and dissipation in thin films and thin-film hetero-structures Klaus Sokolowski-Tinten University of Duisburg-Essen Klaus Sokolowski-Tinten ASTA
T-562 THz streaking of femtosecond electron beams Renkai Li SLAC National Accelerator Lab Renkai Li ASTA
T-563 UED studies of THz-driven structural dynamics in ferroelectrics Aaron Lindenberg Stanford University Aaron Lindenberg ASTA

SLAC SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA
Operated by Stanford University for the U.S. Dept. of Energy