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  • Organize a Policy Lunch

    Interested in discussing your research with other students over lunch? Get in touch with SIG about hosting an event!

  • SIG board members welcome Senator John McCain to Stanford

    He spoke with SIG board members, CISAC Honors students, and Hoover Mentees about National Security and recent developments in the Senate Armed Services Committee. PC: Rod Searcy



Stanford in Government hosts a variety of events for students throughout the year — from guest speakers to roundtables to informal policy forums. Join our mailing list to make sure you never miss out on an event.


Stanford in Government organizes a number of funded summer fellowships in California, Washington, D.C., and around the world. Already have your plans figured out? Get funding for your own project from a SIG stipend.


In addition to formal events with guest speakers, Stanford in Government organizes a series of informal policy forums. Share your opinion, take a risk, and learn something new from your peers.


Stanford in Government is a 50-year-old nonpartisan student organization dedicated to increasing political awareness at Stanford and connecting students with opportunities in public service. We are affiliated with the Haas Center for Public Service.


Stanford in Government's board of directors is a group of twenty-four Stanford students who plan events, develop programming, secure funding, and ensure that SIG's operations go smoothly.

Join Our Team

You don't have to join Stanford in Government to attend our events or forums, or to take advantage of our funded opportunities, but you do if you'd like to help us shape Stanford's public service culture.