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How Do We Cut the Prison Population in Half?

The program in African and African American Studies, along with the Institute for Diversity in the Arts, presents another public lecture in its “Race, Policing & Mass Incarceration” series. Join CNN “Crossfire” host and bestselling author Van Jones for a discussion entitled “How do we cut the prison population in half?” The talk will take place on Wednesday, April 29th from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at CEMEX Auditorium, and is open to the public.

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Angela Davis on Racism and Criminalization: Neglected Dimensions

The Program in African and African American Studies and the Institute for Diversity in the Arts present Angela Davis, who will be speaking about racism and criminalization.

This event is part of Race, Policing and Mass Incarceration–a public lecture series and AAAS course which takes place on Wednesday evenings from April 8 through May 13.

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