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New Features in My Devices

Monday, June 1, 2015

Earlier this year, the My Devices page was released campus-wide to help individual users see all of the devices associated with them at Stanford. University IT is continuing to add new capabilities to My Devices to help everyone get their devices into shape to satisfy Stanford's security standards.

Encryption is the minimum requirement in most cases, but there may be others, such as up-to-date operating systems and additional controls for machines handling High Risk Data. The My Devices summary page now shows the overall compliance status of each device, and for non-compliant devices, the detail page shows the specific reason for non-compliance and instructions on how to fix it.

Another new feature of My Devices is Encryption Key Self-Recovery. If you've forgotten the encryption password for your computer, you can now go to My Devices to obtain a recovery key that will enable you to reset your password.

My Devices gathers its information from multiple sources, and sometimes those sources can be out-of-date. In the next few weeks, a new feature will be added to My Devices to allow users to indicate that a device is no longer theirs or no longer at Stanford. This will help users keep their My Devices list clean, and will also help Stanford keep better track of its computing resources. So if you're seeing devices on your list that shouldn't be there, help is on the way.

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