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Financial Responsibility

Financial Responsibility 

OrderIT handles financial responsibility differently than many systems on campus. Rather than requiring approval for each order, authority to order is granted to trained Department IT Contacts responsible for ensuring that dollars are spent appropriately for business needs. 

All requests to set up, change, or end PTA Authority in Order IT are made by HelpSU request using Request Category: Web Applications, Web Sites and the Request Type: OrderIT. These must be placed by the financial manager of the department – someone with signing authority for the authorized PTAs. 

Setting Up PTA Authority in OrderIT 

Department IT Contact access to OrderIT is used for ordering and reporting. Authority can only be granted by task Org, and this automatically grants access to all PTAs for that org. 

The access is manually entered by the IT Service Desk staff when a Department IT Contact profile is first set up and then updated manually upon the financial manager's request. 

Updating PTA Authority in OrderIT 

Updates to the list of PTAs occur automatically. No HelpSU request is required. 

Ending PTA Authority in OrderIT 

Financial Managers must submit a HelpSU request to cancel PTA Authority in OrderIT. This is an important step as many staff members move to new roles in the university and should no longer have access to charge services to the PTAs authorized for the old organizations. 

Ending Charges to a PTA 

PTAs will continue to be charged for any monthly recurring charges unless a change order is placed to update the PTA or until a cancelation order is placed to end service. 

When a department PTA has monthly recurring charges that are no longer valid, the Department IT Contact is responsible for updating the PTA to a valid PTA. Billing Services will send out notices to clients when PTAs with charges are set to expire within 90 days. If charges are billed before the PTA is updated, Billing Services reviews rejected PTAs and emails or calls the Department IT Contact for a chargeable PTA. If an active PTA is obtained, Billing Services creates an iJournal transfer to debit the new PTA. The Department IT Contact needs to place a change order to update the PTA for future month’s billing. 

If reasonable attempts to contact a department for updated chargeable PTA are ignored, then the department will be sent a disconnect notice when charges are 60 days past due. If no correct PTA is received, then the Finance Director will review the affected accounts and determine whether services will be disconnected. Disconnected services cannot be reordered until an active chargeable PTA is obtained. Reactivation of services will incur installation charges of $25 for each service that that was suspended for non-payment. 

If a chargeable PTA is not obtained, Billing Services will notify the Service Desk and ITOC to order disconnection of services for any Departmental account with outstanding balances 90 days after the original due date (i.e., before the third billing run of a delinquent monthly recurring charge (MRC)). Your services will be disconnected in the easiest way for reactivation to occur. For example, cable service will be put on hold so the service can easily be reactivated. 

Last modified November 19, 2014