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EDGE: Balancing the multiple demands & expectations of graduate school

Wednesday, October 28, 2015 - 9:00am

Optimizing your graduate school experience is all about striking a good balance between the demands of coursework, TAing/teaching, and research and/or finding an advisor. It can be difficult to figure out where to put your time and effort in the face of multiple demands and expectations. Especially in your first year and first quarter, you may wonder how to decode what's important from what's urgent and how to know if you are 'on the right' track to making good progress.

Join us for a candid conversation and sharing of personal experiences in striking a good balance between the many demands placed on you in your first quarter of grad school.
Juan Rivas-Davila, assistant professor, Electrical Engineering
Chris Gonzalez Clarke, director, EDGE
Lauren Aguilar, assistant director, EDGE

Open to EDGE Fellows by invitation only. Registration link and event details will be provided in the invitation.