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EDGE: Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education Fellowship

About EDGE

The Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education (EDGE) Fellowship Program supports the recruitment and academic success of outstanding doctoral students who have the potential to enhance the diversity, broadly defined, of their academic fields and disciplines.

View EDGE details

EDGE fellowships are by nomination only. Contact Chris Gonzalez Clarke with questions after you’ve reviewed the fellowship details.

Contact Chris Gonzalez Clarke

Recent News

Researchers at Stanford University found that teachers perceived infractions by African American students as more likely to be part of a pattern and treated as more extreme than the infractions produced by a White student. Lead author Jason Okonofua is a 2013 DARE Fellow. Watch the interview
Feb 6 2015 | Stanford News
Working with an international team, Stanford history Professor Londa Schiebinger has used gender analysis to spark discovery in science and innovation in technology. VPGE supports diversity on campus, from individual student fellowships to grants for student-led initiatives. Read the full article