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Health Providers

Post-Doctoral Psychology Fellowship

Weiland Health Initiative offers a yearlong specialized training experience on gender and sexual identities for postdoctoral psychology fellows at Stanford’s Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). Fellows who select this track will work together with the Weiland team to

  1. provide clinical services for the LGBTQIA student community.
  2.  increase clinicians’ awareness and understanding of the spectrum of sexual orientation, gender identity and multivariate identities.
  3. create outreach programs and activities for the LGBTQIA student community.
  4. foster dialogue within the larger Stanford community around issues of sexual orientation, gender identity and multivariate identities.

Programs and activities offered as a part of this track have included 

  • organizing a transgender film event and discussion
  • opening dialogue on campus regarding LGBTQIA athletes
  • taking steps to make Vaden Health Center a more welcoming physical environment for a diverse student population
  • offering a "Queer Crafts" art therapy event
  • participating in an LGBTQIA field trip for pre-doctoral trainees
  • organizing a presentation for staff on service delivery to transgender students

Fellows in this track also participate in a biweekly Gender and Sexual Identities Consultation Group, provide supervision for students who volunteer as HIV testing counselors, and help to plan the 10-week Gender and Sexual Identities clinical rotation attended by the pre-doctoral psychology trainees. Find more information and apply now.

Clinical Training Rotation

Each spring quarter, we offer a 10-week clinical rotation focused on providing psychotherapy to students across the spectrum of gender and sexual identities. This rotation is designed for our pre-doctoral psychology interns, as well as for other clinicians on staff who wish to improve their competence in this area. The rotation tends to be interactive, engaging and unconventional in its teaching techniques. Topics covered include

  • queer theory and identity development
  • LGBTQIA history
  • LGBTQIA parenting
  • queer sexuality
  • the power of language
  • sexuality and faith
  • trans* identities
  • same-sex relationship violence
  • queer people of color
  • bisexuality
  • cross-cultural perspectives on gender variance

Clinical Consultation Group

Weiland Health Initiative holds a biweekly multidisciplinary clinical consultation group that focuses on issues related to gender and sexual identities. Our group includes psychologists, social workers, psychology trainees, psychiatrists, physicians and community center leaders. Our group offers a safe space for discussing cases, as well as a chance to work together with the aim of greater social justice and inclusivity on campus. It also provides an opportunity to reflect together on our own identities, and how they impact our work and worldviews.

Gender and Sexual Diversity Clinical Rotation

If you are a health provider at Stanford and would like to improve your clinical and cultural competence working with gender and sexual diversity issues in your practice, consider joining our Gender and Sexual Diversity Clinical Rotation. This 10-week rotation, which meets for 90 minutes a week, is offered every spring quarter. Topics include sexual fluidity; sexuality and faith; transgender and gender expansive identities; queer people of color identities; queer parenting; poly, kink, and queer sexuality, and more. To learn more or inquire about joining, please email Inge Hansen.

Request a Presentation or Workshop on GSI

Would your course, department, or program benefit from more knowledge around gender and sexual identities? We are available to offer presentations or workshops to any size audience. Available topics include:

  • Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation 101
  • Transgender Identities
  • LGBTQ Relationship Violence and Sexual Assault
  • LGBTQ Reproductive Issues
  • Queer Mental Health
  • Making Your Workplace More LGBTQ Friendly and more

Email and let us know your needs. We are happy to work with you.

Gender and Sexuality Drop-In Hours

Gender and Sexual Identities Drop-In Hours are a great resource if you could use a little counseling, information or support around gender and sexual identity issues but don’t think you need ongoing therapy. This resource is also available to faculty, staff, and student staff who wish to consult on how best to support a student around gender and sexuality issues. To take advantage of drop-in hours, come to CAPS on Tuesdays 2-4 pm when school is in session, or reserve an hour by emailing Kori Bennett (recommended).

Annual Conference

Each year, Weiland Health Initiative hosts a conference on Stanford’s campus that highlights an aspect of gender and sexual identities. See the events calendar for more information on future conferences.