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Homeland Security

Apex Engines

Apex Engines

A researcher holds up petri dishes.While Apex programs will focus on different topics—screening, border control, floods, bioterrorism, the next generation first responder and others—they will all share common infrastructure requirements. Apex engines, a new S&T concept, taps S&T subject matter experts and technology developers to provide program-specific support. This allows Apex program managers to focus on big-picture, new technology development while they address individual requirements and generally advance the state of technology for all of S&T in their field.

The Apex engines are centralized functions that will provide the same services to all Apex programs, but they will tailor their work based on the Apex program's individual focus and capability needs. The Apex programs address big picture problems—laying the framework for a solution that may be 20 to 30 years in the future—and use current technology to support the operational needs and requirements of today while they explore how to reach that long-range end state.

For example, if an Apex program needs data analytics tools, there is a data analytics engine. There may be an existing solution that they can provide to immediately support the project and if not, the engine will work with S&T’s Technology Foraging Team to search for a solution or tools. If one doesn’t exist, the Apex program manager can fund solution development.

Data Analytics Engine uses emerging storage, security, computation and analytics technologies to create information leverage and rapidly convert data to decisions for Homeland Security systems, missions and operations.

Situational Awareness & Decision Support Engine provides Apex programs with assured, secure access to databases (or knowledge bases), modeling and simulation tools and shared situational awareness.

Communication & Network Technologies Engine provides integrated networking solutions, ensuring interoperable communication across all network platforms.

Behavioral, Economics & Social Science Engine will analyze the social and behavioral implications of new technologies, programs and policies to support their research, implementation and diffusion.

Identity Access and Management Engine provides individuals and systems with a digital identity, credentials, authentication, and authorization to allow the right people the right data at the right time in a secure manner.

Manufacturing Engine will provide technical expertise on manufacturing readiness and producibility to support efficient transition to full scale manufacturing.

Modeling & Simulation Engine provides a repository for mission based models as well as modeling and simulation tools. (Minor Engine)

Last Published Date: April 3, 2015
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