Saturday, June 20, 2015
  1. Sustainability & Environment

    The Climate Pope

    Johan Rockström
    Sustainability & Environment

    The Climate Pope


     praises the message of the Vatican’s just-released encyclical on the environment.

    pope francis Evandro Inetti/ZumaPress

    Pope Francis’s just-released encyclical on the environment sends a powerful message not just to the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics, but to the rest of the global population as well. Firmly rooted in science, the document recognizes the need for urgent action as the world confronts potentially catastrophic climate change. READ MORE

  2. Economics

    Taking the BRICS Seriously

    Shashi Tharoor

    Taking the BRICS Seriously


     considers what is driving the ever-deepening cooperation among the major emerging economies.

    brics leaders Li Xueren/ZumaPress

    What the BRICS countries have in common is their exclusion from the places they believe they deserve in the current world order. This month's first-ever BRICS parliamentary forum was just the latest in an expanding array of institutions and formal structures that the group has launched with the aim of changing that. READ MORE

  3. World Affairs

    The Sino-Russian Marriage

    Robert Skidelsky
    World Affairs

    The Sino-Russian Marriage


     attributes the countries’ union of convenience to Western missteps and missed opportunities.

    Xi Jingping Vladimir Putin Huang Jingwen/ZumaPress

    A unique conjuncture of economic and political developments has created an opportunity for Eurasia to emerge from its historical slumbers, with Russia and China leading the way. But whether their marriage of convenience will lead to an enduring union, or Russia’s subordination to China, remains to be seen. READ MORE

  4. World Affairs

    A Winning Strategy For Ukraine

    George Soros
    World Affairs

    A Winning Strategy For Ukraine


     explains why the country's allies have a vital interest in its success.

    ukrainian girl flag Str/ZumaPress

    The “new" Ukraine that has emerged since the ouster of former President Viktor Yanukovych has proved to be surprisingly resilient. Unfortunately, by treating Ukraine like Greece, European leaders are inadvertently helping Russian President Vladimir Putin achieve his goal of permanent destabilization. READ MORE

  5. Economics

    The Endgame in Greece

    Jeffrey D. Sachs

Focal Point


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