Ricardo Hausmann

Ricardo Hausmann

Writing for PS since 2001
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Ricardo Hausmann, a former minister of planning of Venezuela and former Chief Economist of the Inter-American Development Bank, is Director of the Center for International Development at Harvard University and a professor of economics at the Harvard Kennedy School.

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  1. Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro Juan Barreto/Getty Images

    Default Lines

    Sovereign finances survived the global recession, just barely in some cases, but now Puerto Rico and Venezuela are insolvent. While the reasons for their plight may differ, there are lessons common to all defaults that investors and citizens should heed.

  2. Shanghai skyline at night Getty Images

    The Economics of China’s New Era

    With the age of Western global dominance coming to an end, it is China’s time to shine. 

    The potential is certainly there, but to realize it, President Xi Jinping will have to confront serious challenges, from domestic supply-side reforms to expanding international responsibilities.


  3. Getty Images

    How Many More World AIDS Days?

    Since its emergence in 1981, the global AIDS epidemic has taken around 36 million lives, and ravaged some of the world's most vulnerable communities. While the world has made significant progress over the past 15 years, obstacles to AIDS prevention – and eventually eradication – persist.

  4. Flynn  leaving court SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images

    The Fall of the President’s Men

    • The news that Michael Flynn, US President Donald Trump's former national security adviser, has now pleaded guilty to charges of lying to the FBI, and is reportedly cooperating with Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 US presidential election, comes just weeks after Mueller handed down indictments against senior Trump campaign officials. 
    • As Elizabeth Drew explained then, Mueller's success in "flipping" Trump associates suggests that his investigation will extend to the highest levels of the White House.
  5. A person dressed as Kim Jong-un Angela Weiss/Getty Images

    Trump’s Missing North Korea Strategy

    By arbitrarily re-designating North Korea as a state sponsor of terrorism, Donald Trump has demonstrated yet again that he has no strategy for resolving the current nuclear crisis. When former President George W. Bush removed North Korea from the terrorism list in 2008, he at least got something out of it.

  6. Egyptians hold candles at a vigil Mohamed El-Shahed/Getty Images

    How Can the Arab World Avoid the Abyss?

    The Middle East owes many of its current problems to a long history of foreign invasions, from the Crusades and European colonialism to the proxy wars of the Cold-War era. But Arab leaders who genuinely want to create a brighter future for the region's citizens must recognize that blaming others for the region's malaise will solve nothing.